Det hjeper jo en del at økonomien i Kina ikke akkurat går på høygir for tiden og at boligbyggingen visstnok har gått en god del ned. Mener å ha sett noen tall på at sementforbruket i Kina i enkelte av de senere år er på mengder som verden aldri tidligere har sett.
China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of cement. In 2021, China produced 2.36 billion tons of cement, accounting for 57% of world production; its total cement consumption was 2.38 billion tons, accounting for more than half of the world’s total. CO₂ emissions from China’s cement industry totaled about 1.37 billion tons in 2020.1 The industry accounts for 13% of the country’s total carbon emissions, making it the third largest emitting industry, following power and steel. Therefore, decarbonization of this industry is crucial to achieving the country’s goal of carbon neutrality
China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of cement. In 2021, China produced 2.36 billion tons of cement, accounting for 57% of world production; its total cement consumption was 2.38 billion tons, accounting for more than half of the world’s total. CO₂ emissions from China’s cement industry totaled about 1.37 billion tons in 2020.1 The industry accounts for 13% of the country’s total carbon emissions, making it the third largest emitting industry, following power and steel. Therefore, decarbonization of this industry is crucial to achieving the country’s goal of carbon neutrality