Takker for podcast-tips. Ingen tvil om at brødrene er "major players". De har samlet noen hundre nøkkelpersoner denne helgen for å organisere motstand mot GOPs "Wealth Care Plan" som de føler ikke går langt nok i å fjerne trygde- og helseordninger:Anbefales for å komme litt under huden på en av de med mest innflytelse og makt. A major player.
Why Hate the Koch Brothers? (Part 1) - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Vel verdt tiden det tar.
COLORADO SPRINGS — The Koch network is working with conservative allies behind the scenes to make changes to the Senate health-care bill that was unveiled this week, declining to endorse the measure as it stands. As hundreds of donors gathered Saturday for a three-day seminar organized by billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, leaders from the constellation of groups that support his agenda outlined concerns about the draft bill. “In all candor, we’ve been disappointed that movement is not more dramatic toward a full repeal or rollback (of the Affordable Care Act). But we’re not walking away,” said Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity. “We still think this can get done, but the Senate bill needs to get better.” AFP has spent years mobilizing against Obamacare and battling against Medicaid expansion at the state level. The group came out against the first version of the House health-care bill this winter and helped push for some of the amendments that were added before it ultimately passed last month.