Jeg har ikke veldig greie på dette og tror vel egentlig at en PP kondis med 2% toleranse er mer enn godt nok.
Allikevel så er det noe deilig med disse små komponentene, det ser ut som smykker he he.
Jeg er litt overopptatt av "corporate Identity", helhetlig design, og har fått det for meg at delefilteret må inneholde samme merke all the way, hvertfall innbyrdes for hhv kondensatorer, spoler og motstander. Selv har jeg kjøpt Duelund Cast motstander (250,- pr stk) og skal bruke Solen, North Creek, Mundforf eller Jantzen luftspoler med solid tversnitt og derved lav motstand, til slutt har jeg ikke bestemt kondensator merke men vil gjerne ha like hele veien.
Har skummet gjennom denne artikkelen en rekke ganger og dette er vel internetts mest omfattende test. Tror Haavard også har lest en del her ;-)
Humble Homemade Hifi
Denne er det mange som skryter av. Jeg tror LMC har en hel skuff full ;-)
Vishay MKP1837 / 0,01uF MKP 100VDC - 1% tolerance
Technical specifications: Metallised polypropylene, radial capacitor, designed for LC/RC filter circuits, coupling and de-coupling at high frequencies.
Sound: Many years ago I was tipped by Klaus Witte of Germany to try this capacitor as a small parallel cap for the Mundorf MCap Supreme. I tried them as a parallel cap for the tweeter series caps in my Progress speaker and I must say I was very impressed! To get straight to the point they don't change a Supreme into a Supreme Silver-Oil but they really do clear things up. I must admit I was sceptical at first as the value is only 10nF (0,01uF) - and the caps I was using at the time totalled to 12,6uF. The difference is most noticeable with classical music but also good quality recordings of jazz and fusion benefit: No change in sound stage width or depth but there is more concert-hall acoustics that let you get into the recording more. Not as liquid as a Mundorf Silver Oil but they did take away the slightly grainy edge from the Mundorf Supreme's. A noticable gain in clarity and transparency making instruments better separable from each other, the violins in an orchestra become a group of individual violins instead of one mass. Jazz drum brushes sound more like a brush than a "shush".
Verdict: 8,5