"Barrier operations shielding the global rich from the tensions and problems of the poor."
Vi kan slappe av, EU har kontroll.
Verdt å lete etter førsteutgaven av EUISS - What ambitions for European Defence in 2020?
Wikileaks har den i linken under, men de har vedlikehold akkurat nå. Ellers er andreutgaven ute hos ISS, men den er blitt pyntet i, pga levenet førsteutgaven forårsaket.
EUISS: What ambitions for European defence in 2020?
Det som kanskje er mest av interesse her er behovet man ser for å etablere "barrier operations" hvis mål skal være å verne globalisers (elite nations) og trans-nasjonale selskap fra localisers og "the bottom billion."
Fra abstrakt til denne rapporten på 175 sider, som har forord ved Solanas:
The document covers long term EU security strategy, including the problems of "hierarchical class society", with the "elite" of the world on one side, and the so-called "bottom billion" on the other. To avoid "global systemic collapse", the document suggests that the "full spectrum of high intensity combat" to be used to protect what is called "globalisers" from "localisers". Localisers, making up 80% of the world population, include the "bottom billion", states in the Middle East and the so-called "Alienated Modern States" like North Korea. Globalisers, notably, include not only members of the OECD and "Rapid Transition Societies" like China and Brasil, but also "Transnational Corporations"the "Fortune Global 1000".
In that context the paper elaborates on "barrier operations shielding the global rich from the tensions and problems of the poor". It reads that "as the ratio of the world population living in misery and frustration will remain massive, the tensions and spillover between their world and that of the rich will continue to grow. As we are unlikely to have solved this problem at its root by 2020 - i.e. by curing dysfunctional societies we will need to strengthen our barriers. It is a morally distasteful, losing strategy, but will be unavoidable if we cannot solve the problems at their root."
(Andreutgaven: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/What_ambitions_for_European_defence_in_2020.pdf)
(Til pedal - naturligvis kjedelig i Asia når de store elvene slutter å fylles opp, hvilket man allerede ser tendenser i retning gitt bresmeltingen i bl.a. Hindu Kush og Himalaya. Men det betyr bare at vi får et enda mer multikulturelt fellesskap!)
Vi kan slappe av, EU har kontroll.
Verdt å lete etter førsteutgaven av EUISS - What ambitions for European Defence in 2020?
Wikileaks har den i linken under, men de har vedlikehold akkurat nå. Ellers er andreutgaven ute hos ISS, men den er blitt pyntet i, pga levenet førsteutgaven forårsaket.
EUISS: What ambitions for European defence in 2020?
Det som kanskje er mest av interesse her er behovet man ser for å etablere "barrier operations" hvis mål skal være å verne globalisers (elite nations) og trans-nasjonale selskap fra localisers og "the bottom billion."
Fra abstrakt til denne rapporten på 175 sider, som har forord ved Solanas:
The document covers long term EU security strategy, including the problems of "hierarchical class society", with the "elite" of the world on one side, and the so-called "bottom billion" on the other. To avoid "global systemic collapse", the document suggests that the "full spectrum of high intensity combat" to be used to protect what is called "globalisers" from "localisers". Localisers, making up 80% of the world population, include the "bottom billion", states in the Middle East and the so-called "Alienated Modern States" like North Korea. Globalisers, notably, include not only members of the OECD and "Rapid Transition Societies" like China and Brasil, but also "Transnational Corporations"the "Fortune Global 1000".
In that context the paper elaborates on "barrier operations shielding the global rich from the tensions and problems of the poor". It reads that "as the ratio of the world population living in misery and frustration will remain massive, the tensions and spillover between their world and that of the rich will continue to grow. As we are unlikely to have solved this problem at its root by 2020 - i.e. by curing dysfunctional societies we will need to strengthen our barriers. It is a morally distasteful, losing strategy, but will be unavoidable if we cannot solve the problems at their root."
(Andreutgaven: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/What_ambitions_for_European_defence_in_2020.pdf)
(Til pedal - naturligvis kjedelig i Asia når de store elvene slutter å fylles opp, hvilket man allerede ser tendenser i retning gitt bresmeltingen i bl.a. Hindu Kush og Himalaya. Men det betyr bare at vi får et enda mer multikulturelt fellesskap!)