Ved utgangen av 2023 vil 47 år av «besværlige» lover og regler vedtatt under EU-medlemsskap opphøre. Miljøkrav, arbeidsmiljø, produktansvar, likestilling, … - poof. Blir erstattet av lover skrevet i hui og hast i regi av «the minister for brexit opportunities» Rees-Mogg og resten av klovnene. A feature, not a bug. Det var selve hensikten med brexit.
Rees-Mogg move to axe 2,400 laws is ‘anti-democratic’, say legal experts
Laws that could disappear include ban on animal testing, workers’ rights and environmental protections
The notion that 2,400 laws could be expunged in little over a year was “completely barking”, said Peretz, but possible because of the “extraordinary power” the government was giving itself to push laws over the December 2023 cliff.
“There is no requirement anywhere on ministers to consult anybody. Under this bill, ministers can just let vital rights and protections for consumers, workers, the environment and animal welfare fall without parliament having any chance to stop that happening,” he said.