En særdeles god andreplass i kåringen av mest surrealistiske tweet på opptil flere timer må være denne:
Rep. Trey Gowdy on Helsinki summit fallout | Fox News
Det gullkornet kommer etter at staben hans har forsøkt i en uke å gi inntrykk av at Trump innser at russerne blandet seg opp i valget, som desperat brannslokking etter at han offentlig tok Putins side fremfor egen etteretning. Dessuten kommer det like etter at republikaneren Trey Gowdy har vært på Fox News og sagt følgende:So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!
Rep. Trey Gowdy on Helsinki summit fallout | Fox News
So it is all a big hoax. BIIIG HOAX!!!The evidence is overwhelming. It can be proven beyond any evidentiary burden that Russia is not our friend and they tried to attack us in 2016. So, the president either needs to rely on the people that he has chosen to advise him, or those advisors need to reevaluate whether or not they can serve in this administration.
But the disconnect cannot continue. The evidence is overwhelming and the president needs to say that and act like it.
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