Politikk, religion og samfunn President Donald J. Trump - Quo vadis? (Del 2)

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    Fnysefråde er fortapt i sine fnysefråderier, men om man vil vite hvordan det er å være mørk i huden i USA, kan man lese om hva som skjer med en mann som kjører omkring med en stor puddel ved navn Merlin.

    (Tilbragte noen år i "the Carolinas" for å sette meg inn i borgerrettighetsstriden og etterdønningene. Ga mye innsikt og gjorde meg nok også ganske bevisst på hvilken skillelinje dette er i det amerikanske samfunnet. Det merkelige er at det er ikke blitt bedre over tid, snarere verre, på veldig mange områder.)


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    litt annerledes analyser

    Mulig, men se hva som ble vedtatt. Forslaget fra WGAE ble grundig nedstemt. Jeg synes analysen er ganske lik min, jeg. Fra linken:
    The third part, however, plunges the Federation into deeper waters. It asserts, quite reasonably, that cops, like all workers, should retain their right to collectively bargain. But it also rejects calls that the AFL-CIO should expel the one police union (the International Union of Police Associations, IUPA) that is directly affiliated with the Federation, or that the several AFL-CIO member unions that have police locals should similarly end those affiliations. In the past couple of days, two small unions—the Association of Flight Attendants and the Writers Guild of America, East—had called for the Federation to end IUPA’s affiliation. Instead, the General Board decided that working to improve its affiliated police unions was the better option.

    Many of the union leaders who took this position understand all too well just how oppressive routine police practices are to their African American members and their families. Why, then, did they opt to keep the cops within the fold? In a few of these unions, police make up a nontrivial share of their dues-paying members, though in no union other than IUPA does that share exceed 7 or 8 percent. Another reason is that right-wing critics of public-sector unions—a group that includes virtually the entire Republican Party and its media allies—see the current loss of police-union legitimacy as a way to expand their attack on all public-employee unions. As an editorial that ran this Monday in the Washington Examiner put it, “Like other public-sector unions, teachers’ unions, in particular, police unions have become a powerful machine that defends officers against investigation, discipline, and dismissal, even when they deserve it.”

    The Trumpian right loves cops, but they hate the teachers unions, AFSCME and SEIU even more, since those unions provide perhaps the largest and most effective liberal voter mobilization programs in virtually every election. When Wisconsin’s Republican Gov. Scott Walker effectively stripped public-employee unions of their collective-bargaining rights, he exempted police and firefighter unions from his diktat. But if Republicans need to throw those unions under the bus, too, in order to rid themselves of the other public-sector unions, they might just do it.

    The vast majority of police unions do not belong to the AFL-CIO, its local federations, or its affiliates. Still, the precedent of stripping the right to bargain collectively from any group of public employees—at a time when some on the left are calling for withdrawing those rights from cops, and also when the Supreme Court has declared war against all public-worker unions with its Janus decision—makes some union leaders nervous, and rightly so.
    Som du kanskje forstår var det ikke tatt helt ut av luften da jeg nevnte lærere og deres fagforeninger. Det var nettopp av de grunnene som beskrives her. Og etter det er det en hel masse ord, før artikkelen til slutt konkluderer med at IUPA burde blitt kastet ut. Men det ble de altså ikke.
    Cops should still have collective-bargaining rights. But until they can bargain for the common good, enlisting as allies and embracing the demands of the people they police, they should not be part of the broader labor movement. A house bargaining for and against itself should not stand.


    Selv bittesmå barn holder ikke aktivistene seg for gode til å benytte. Her er en liten pike de har klart å vettskremme slik at hun tror at politifolk er der for å drepe henne og mammaen sin.

    Tidligere har man i det miste hatt skam nok til å vente med indoktrineringen til de når skoleskulealder før de ble sendt i krigen.

    Men man skal vel tidlig krøkes som god kulturkriger og aktivist skal bli....


    Hi-Fi freak
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    En bra illustrasjon på hvor rasistisk identitetspolitikken er er illustrert av Bidens nylige utspill. "Hvis du ikke stemmer på meg så er du ikke svart".
    Klossete sagt, men jeg tror alle vet hva Biden mente. Han har selvfølgelig også fullstendig rett, er du svart og stemmer Trump så handler du imot egne interesser. Rart hvordan du tolker alt i verste mening når det gjelder det du oppfatter som "identitetspolitikk", men konstruerer opp alle slags unnskyldninger for Trump og hans uhyrligheter.


    Klossete sagt, men jeg tror alle vet hva Biden mente. Han har selvfølgelig også fullstendig rett, er du svart og stemmer Trump så handler du imot egne interesser. Rart hvordan du tolker alt i verste mening når det gjelder det du oppfatter som "identitetspolitikk", men konstruerer opp alle slags unnskyldninger for Trump og hans uhyrligheter.
    Svarte er like forskjellige som hvite, og har forskjellige behov og preferanser. Det er grunnleggende nedverdigende og nedlatende å tro at man skal definere "hva som er best for" svarte mennesker i stedet for å ha tiltro til at de har evner nok til å forstå politikk, økonomi og samfunn.

    Å behandle svarte som barnehagebarn som må gjetes fordi "det er til deres eget beste" er rasistisk så godt som noe. "The racism of low" expectations koblet sammen med gruppepresset for at man skal stemme utifra sin rase og ikke sine personlige preferanser og prioriteter.

    Dette handler ikke om Trump, vi ser nøyaktig det samme i andre vestlige land der det er forventet at hvis du er av en spesiell rase så skal du stemme slik og slik. Nedlatende stereotypier.


    Ble medlem
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    Svarte er like forskjellige som hvite, og har forskjellige behov og preferanser. Det er grunnleggende nedverdigende og nedlatende å tro at man skal definere "hva som er best for" svarte mennesker i stedet for å ha tiltro til at de har evner nok til å forstå politikk, økonomi og samfunn.

    Å behandle svarte som barnehagebarn som må gjetes fordi "det er til deres eget beste" er rasistisk så godt som noe. "The racism of low" expectations koblet sammen med gruppepresset for at man skal stemme utifra sin rase og ikke sine personlige preferanser og prioriteter.

    Dette handler ikke om Trump, vi ser nøyaktig det samme i andre vestlige land der det er forventet at hvis du er av en spesiell rase så skal du stemme slik og slik. Nedlatende stereotypier.
    I USA ble i sin tid "war on drugs" langt på vei startet for å ramme to grupper: Venstrevridde antikrigs-aktivister (som røykte pot) og fargede (hvor herion var mest utbredt). De kunne jo ikke gjøre det ulovlig å være mot krig eller farget, så da ble krigserklæringen mot narkotika en proxy. Dette har vedvart til disse tider, men nå som cannabis har blitt poppis i den hvite middelklasse så kommer kampen om legalisering.

    Siden narkotika er ansvarlig for en veldig stor andel av innsatte i amerikanske fengsler så er ikke tanken om at det ligger en betydelig rasekomponent bak det veldig fjern. Det er muligens ikke nødvendigvis korrekt å skylde først og fremst på politiet og domstolene, for det er jo vitterlig ulovlig etter amerikansk lov, men det har altså blitt gjort et ganske bevisst valg om å disproporsjonalt kriminalisere en eler flere grupper basert på nettopp deres gruppetilhørighet. Dette burde ikke være spesielt vanskelig å se. Derfor er det ikke tilstrekkelig å se bare på hvorfor en større andel i disse gruppene er regnet som "kriiminelle", men man bør også være klar over hvorfor akkurat noe som er spesielt utbredt i en slik gruppe er definert som "kriminellt" og hvor stort fokus det får i justissystemet.


    Et annet viktig poeng er at avhengighet plutselig ble en sykdom og epidemi når det spredde seg i hvit suburbia..


    I USA ble i sin tid "war on drugs" langt på vei startet for å ramme to grupper: Venstrevridde antikrigs-aktivister (som røykte pot) og fargede (hvor herion var mest utbredt). De kunne jo ikke gjøre det ulovlig å være mot krig eller farget, så da ble krigserklæringen mot narkotika en proxy. Dette har vedvart til disse tider, men nå som cannabis har blitt poppis i den hvite middelklasse så kommer kampen om legalisering.

    Siden narkotika er ansvarlig for en veldig stor andel av innsatte i amerikanske fengsler så er ikke tanken om at det ligger en betydelig rasekomponent bak det veldig fjern. Det er muligens ikke nødvendigvis korrekt å skylde først og fremst på politiet og domstolene, for det er jo vitterlig ulovlig etter amerikansk lov, men det har altså blitt gjort et ganske bevisst valg om å disproporsjonalt kriminalisere en eler flere grupper basert på nettopp deres gruppetilhørighet. Dette burde ikke være spesielt vanskelig å se. Derfor er det ikke tilstrekkelig å se bare på hvorfor en større andel i disse gruppene er regnet som "kriiminelle", men man bør også være klar over hvorfor akkurat noe som er spesielt utbredt i en slik gruppe er definert som "kriminellt" og hvor stort fokus det får i justissystemet.
    Nå har heldigvis dette endret seg mye, og flere og flere avkriminaliserer bruk av rusmidler. Det er en positiv endring, men dette er noe vi ser mer og mer av i Europa også og har lite med USA å gjøre. Portugal, Spania, Tyskland etc. han alle ganske liberale regler. Det handler om at man ser på dette som et helseproblem og ikke kriminalitet per se.

    Men det blir for enkelt å bare se lovgivningen i forbindelse med hipper og rasistforeninger. Vi hadde jo, og har fremdels, minst like strenge lover i Norge og man kan måtte sone ganske så mange år i fengsel om man blir tatt med cannabis her f.eks. ... og det hverken uten raseopptøyer eller hippebevegelsen. ... slik var det stort sett i de fleste vestlige land tidligere. Så dette handler ikke om gruppetilhørighet, vel med mindre man regner rusmisbrukermiljøer som en gruppe da (disse er nok disproporsjonalt mer rammet av strenge lover enn resten av befolkningen).


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    En slektning av meg fra USA delte dette på fb. Slik funker hverdagsrasismen:

    Please everyone share this and ask your friends to share ...

    Borrowed: This is from Caroline Crockett Brock
    I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south, and today was the first time I spoke frankly about racism with a black man.
    When Ernest, my appliance repairman, came to the front door, I welcomed him in. As this was his second visit and we’d established a friendly rapport, I asked him how he was feeling in the current national climate. Naturally, he assumed I was talking about the coronavirus, because what white person actually addresses racism head on, in person, in their own home?

    When Ernest realized I wanted to know about his experience with racism, he began answering my questions.
    What’s it like for you on a day-to-day basis as a black man? Do cops ever give you any trouble?
    The answers were illuminating.

    Ernest, a middle-aged, friendly, successful business owner, gets pulled over in Myrtle Beach at least 6 times a year. He doesn’t get pulled over for traffic violations, but on the suspicion of him being a suspect in one crime or another. Mind you, he is in uniform, driving in a work van clearly marked with his business on the side. They ask him about the boxes in his car--parts and pieces of appliances. They ask to see his invoices and ask him why there is money and checks in his invoice clipboard. They ask if he’s selling drugs. These cops get angry if he asks for a badge number or pushes back in any way. Everytime he is the one who has to explain himself, although they have no real cause to question him.

    Ernest used to help folks out after dark with emergencies. Not anymore. He does not work past dinnertime, not because he doesn’t need the business, but because it isn’t safe for him to be out after dark. He says “There’s nothing out there in the world for me past dark”.
    Let me say that again. Ernest, a middle aged black man in uniform cannot work past dark in Myrtle Beach in 2020 because it’s not safe for him. He did not say this with any kind of agenda. It was a quiet, matter of fact truth.

    A truth that needs to be heard.

    When I asked Ernest what ethnic terms he gets offended at, he said that the most offensive term people use is ‘boy’. Ernest has a bachelors in electronics and an associates in HVAC. He is not a ‘boy’, and the term ‘boy’ in the south implies inferiority in station and status. He came to Myrtle Beach and got a job at Hobart. The supervisor repeatedly used the term ‘boy’. Ernest complained. After several complaints Ernest was fired.
    Ernest says most white people are a little scared of him, and he’s often put in a position where he has to prove himself, as though he’s not qualified to repair appliances.

    After getting a job for 2 years at Sears appliance, Ernest started his own company, one he’s been running for several years. He is the best repairman we’ve had, and has taught me about washer dryers and how to maintain them myself, even helping me with another washer/dryer set and a dishwasher without charging me. I highly recommend his company, Grand Strand Appliance.

    I asked Ernest what he thought of “black bike week” in Myrtle Beach, where thousands of black people come with bullet bikes and trash our town. He says it hurts black people in our city, and he disagrees with the NAACP coming in to sue businesses that close on black bike week. He hates working that week.
    Ernest doesn’t have hope that racism will change, no matter who the president is. His dad taught him “It’s a white man’s world”, and he’s done his best to live within it.

    When I asked him what I could do, he said, “everyone needs to pray and realize we’re all just one country and one people”.
    I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south. I can begin healing our country by talking frankly with African Americans in my world---by LISTENING to their lived experience and speaking up. I can help by actively promoting black owned businesses. That’s what I can do today. Let’s start by listening and lifting up. It’s that simple.
    Edit: I asked Ernest if I could take his picture and post our conversation on facebook. He thought it was a great idea. As he left my house an hour later, he looked me in the eye and said, "If you ever march, or have a meeting on this topic, or want to change things in Myrtle Beach, I'll stand with you."
    What a great idea. Let's begin standing together.


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    Apropos Barrs plutselige interesse i å frafalle siktelsen mot Flynn: Dommeren mente dette luktet korrupt og oppnevnte en uavhengig tidligere dommer til å gi en uttalelse til retten. Den er knusende:
    The Government seeks leave of court to dismiss its false statements charge against Defendant Michael T. Flynn. See ECF No. 198. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48(a) controls that request. Under Rule 48(a), the Government’s motion should be denied on two separate grounds.

    First, “the requirement of judicial approval entitles the judge to obtain and evaluate the prosecutor’s reasons.” United States v. Ammidown, 497 F.2d 615, 620 (D.C. Cir. 1973). Here, the Government’s statement of reasons for seeking dismissal is pretextual. The Government claims there is insufficient evidence to prove materiality and falsity, but even giving it the benefit of every doubt—and recognizing its prerogative to assess the strength of its own case—this contention “taxes the credulity of the credulous.” Maryland v. King, 569 U.S. 435, 466 (2013) (Scalia, J., dissenting). The Government’s ostensible grounds for seeking dismissal are conclusively disproven by its own briefs filed earlier in this very proceeding. They contradict and ignore this Court’s prior orders, which constitute law of the case. They are riddled with inexplicable and elementary errors of law and fact. And they depart from positions that the Government has taken in other cases. While Rule 48(a) does not require the Government to bare its innermost secrets, it does require a statement of its reasons for dismissal. See Ammidown, 497 F.2d at 620 (explaining that this requirement “prevent abuse of the uncontrolled power of dismissal previously enjoyed by prosecutors”). Leave of court should not be granted when the explanations the Government puts forth are not credible as the real reasons for its dismissal of a criminal charge.

    Second, the Court should deny leave because there is clear evidence of a gross abuse of prosecutorial power. Rule 48(a) was designed to “guard against dubious dismissals of criminal cases that would benefit powerful and well-connected defendants.”3 In other words, the rule empowers courts to protect the integrity of their own proceedings from prosecutors who undertake corrupt, politically motivated dismissals. See id.; see also Ammidown, 497 F.2d at 620-622. That is what has happened here. The Government has engaged in highly irregular conduct to benefit a political ally of the President. The facts of this case overcome the presumption of regularity. The Court should therefore deny the Government’s motion to dismiss, adjudicate any remaining motions, and then sentence the Defendant.

    The Court has also asked me to address whether it should issue an order to show cause why Flynn should not be held in criminal contempt for perjury. Flynn has indeed committed perjury in these proceedings, for which he deserves punishment, and the Court has the authority to initiate a prosecution for that crime. I respectfully recommend, however, that the Court not exercise that authority. Rather, it should take Flynn’s perjury into account in sentencing him on the offense to which he has already admitted guilt. This approach—rather than a separate prosecution for perjury or contempt—aligns with the Court’s intent to treat this case, and this Defendant, in the same way it would any other
    (Mine uthevelser.)


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Det er håp med andre ord :)


    Ble medlem
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    Det er fortsatt noen som er opptatt av hva som er rett vs galt og sant vs løgn der borte.

    Og i løpet av natten kommer det vel en bredside fra Trump på Twitter om hvordan dette er urettferdig, at det er en heksejakt og personforfølgelse av ham selv, og hvordan både dommeren og advokaten som la frem denne uttalelsen er venstreekstreme antifa-aktivister. Riktignok ble dommeren opprinnelig oppnevnt av Reagan i 1984, men det viser bare hvor skumle disse antifa-aktivistene er der de ligger på lur i årevis i forkledning og bare venter på muligheten til å være urettferdige mot Trump og ligaen hans.

    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Tilbragte noen år i "the Carolinas" for å sette meg inn i borgerrettighetsstriden og etterdønningene. Ga mye innsikt og gjorde meg nok også ganske bevisst på hvilken skillelinje dette er i det amerikanske samfunnet.
    Jeg gjorde det omvendt. Jeg tilbragte på '00- tallet tre-fire uker i the Carolinas (og andre sør-øst stater) som accidental tourist med noen få heller uakademiske lokale kjentfolk som base, leiebil, full tank og total forakt for lange avstander.
    Dette var i hhv 2001, 2005, 2007 og 2009
    Naive bleikfisen med 'rett' hudfarge så og hørte ting som sørga for fotsid hake, holdninger jeg trodde man enklest fant i veldig gamle filmer og/eller serier.

    F.eks texaneren på kanskje 60 jeg møtte ifm overnattingsstopp i VA. Han samla på Corvettes. Stinn av gryn og vennligheta sjøl, samtidig som han omtalte den unge, hyggelige asiatiske fyren bak bardisken på heller nedlatende vis når nevnte asiat ikke kunne høre ham.

    Eller garasjen til rednecken Dave litt utenfor Raleigh, med eget kjølerom der brettene med Coors Light (?) sto sabla i et hjørne fra gulv til tak.
    En dritings herremann som krangla høylytt med kjerringa i det vi ankom, sendte henne inn i huset og tok hæppily imot oss i stedet. Han ga oss hver sin iskalde øl og viste stolt fram sin 69 Camaro. Bilen var mekanisk et smykke, men estetikken var litt... øøøøh... jeg tipper det er lurt å vite hva du gjør før du sprøyter rosa flake-lakk, men hva vet vel jeg.
    Etter ca 2 øl for vertens del ble det satt på musikk i garasjen - noe hundgammel hillbilly.
    Nidvisetekster om folk i 'Coontown er det jeg husker nå, men utvalget var rikelig. Den høflige latteren vår begynte å sitte jævlig godt fast i strupen og vi fordufta så fort at mobilen min (og dermed også bildene) ble liggende igjen.
    Han svarte aldri på mailene mine ang den mobilen heller, den rosa slasken.

    Det er mer men dere skjønner tegninga.

    Samtidig må det jo sies at jeg knapt truffet vennligere mennesker noen steder. Go figure...


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    Sant. Jeg har redneck-venner i Louisiana og vet eksakt hva du mener. De er vennligheten personifisert, og holder til i et århundre hvor slaget ved Gettysburg ennå ikke har funnet sted.

    Ellers er Trump misfornøyd med meningsmålingene, stakkars, så han truer med å saksøke CNN for å publisere dem. "Cease and desist", etc. Svaret han fikk er forbilledlig tydelig. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/10/politics/cnn-letter-to-trump-over-poll/index.html

    Annotation 2020-06-10 234456.png


    "Progressiviteten" har kommet til Norge også :cry:

    "Riv statuer, fjern malerier, brenn bøker, sensurer pensum, skift gatenavn, omdøp bydeler, slett gamle filmperler fra Netflix - køen av idiotiske forslag begynner å bli ganske lang. Vi kan ikke slette vår egen historie bare fordi den ikke matcher dagens normer. Og om man først skal drive med moralposering, er det rimelig absurd å begynne med den enkeltpersonen i historien som har gjort mest for å bekjempe fascisme. Stefan Heggelund og jeg blir med Heidi Nordby Lunde i lenkegjengen om noen kødder med Churchill-statuen! "


    Ble medlem
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    ^^ På dette tidspunkt er det vel vi behøver Fjernis til å fortelle oss mer om dette med å "drenere svampen" (sic.), tenker jeg...

    Makt har alltid korrumpert. Men sjelden har det vel vært såpass åpenlyst og skamløst som nå.

    Dr Dong

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    mer om hodet til trump og innvirkning på omgivelsene (aka narcissistic collusion)

    The man is not a star but a black hole — a singular event in the spacetime fabric of America that bends and defies reality as we understand it and sucks in everything around it, destroying it in the process, as he was designed to do. Nothing can escape from it. That’s what black holes do.

    It is easy to guess why so many of the conscience-deficient GOPers support their problematic candidate — the two all too obvious reasons are fear (of ostracism if refusing to follow the herd), and a desire to remain in good graces of the future president and his sycophants, assuring a place at the trough of power and the perks that come with it. And an adherence to a perverted principle that the good of the party comes above all else.

    This short-sighted complicity that makes even people with a conscience, albeit a weak one, compromise their principles for safety and primitive goals always ends badly for everyone involved, including the compromisers whose dignity never recovers, even if they survive. Dignity, of course, is one of those values that only exist and matter if you have a functioning conscience, the part of human beings that’s both most elusive and most important as it makes all the difference in the world.


    With the PSA concluded, let’s pivot back to our narcissistic collusion in progress.

    What is both fascinating and frightening — but also instructive — in this case is that the GOPers’ presumptive nominee openly promises to undo most of the things that supposedly have made America the beacon of freedom and democracy — and his eager supporters are the very same people who routinely sloganeer about that freedom and democracy when it suits their personal agenda (= they are up for election). We are getting a glimpse of the inner corruption that lurks right behind the polished facade, corruption that stems from the all too common deficits of conscience.

    What’s happening on the American political stage now is what happens in all organizations run, or soon to be run, by character-disordered tyrants: a willful and spontaneous collusion of people who should know better (one sometimes still erroneously assumes) with a deeply immoral and inherently destructive leader.

    We are watching history repeat itself with a maddening insistence, and we are privileged, if one can call it that, to observe this phenomenon live, as it takes place before our very eyes. Being a witness to history can be educational, should one want to learn a thing or two about the curious malleability of the human conscience.

    Frederick Burkle describes this process of narcissistic collusion as applied to politics in his paper on Narcissism in the US polity where he talks about political parties that

    (…) demand total loyalty, whose members all speak from the same playbook and daily-drilled sound bites, and where disloyalty is severely punished by those on the top of the narcissistic pack who have built for themselves a powerful and self-serving political culture.
    Many in power truly believe in having god-like powers that absolve whatever faults other humans may be judging them by. Indeed, society is at fault for lavishing praise and creating an unfathomable yet favorable impression while knowing that those actions contribute little or nothing to society itself.
    Indeed, we are at fault.


    (den er god!
    fra 2016 og slutter med: «Hope you’re paying attention, Mitch McConnell. You too, Paul Ryan.» men det gjorde de jo ikke…)
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    (den er god!)
    Og helt i tråd med Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil" definisjon. "Joiners join".

    Arendt found Eichmann an ordinary, rather bland, bureaucrat, who in her words, was ‘neither perverted nor sadistic’, but ‘terrifyingly normal’. He acted without any motive other than to diligently advance his career in the Nazi bureaucracy. Eichmann was not an amoral monster, she concluded in her study of the case, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil(1963). Instead, he performed evil deeds without evil intentions, a fact connected to his ‘thoughtlessness’, a disengagement from the reality of his evil acts. Eichmann ‘never realised what he was doing’ due to an ‘inability… to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, he ‘commit[ted] crimes under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for him to know or to feel that he [was] doing wrong’.

    Arendt dubbed these collective characteristics of Eichmann ‘the banality of evil’: he was not inherently evil, but merely shallow and clueless, a ‘joiner’, in the words of one contemporary interpreter of Arendt’s thesis.



    Sier litt om nivået hos de progressive nå om dagen.

    “And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons,” - Lincoln

    Dr Dong

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    må si jeg ble litt (intellektuelt) nysgjerrig på den dama Elizabeth Mika, som jeg linket til over. anbefaler denne også av henne.

    (det går rykter om at noen har sprayet en statue? gud!)

    mikas artikkel er sentrert rundt tre aspekter:

    Tyrannies are three-legged beasts. They encroach upon our world in a steady creep more often than overcome it in a violent takeover, which may be one reason why they are not always easy to spot before it is too late to do much about them. Their necessary components, those three wobbly legs, are: the tyrant, his supporters — the people — and the society at large that provides a ripe ground for the collusion between them. Political scientists call it “the toxic triangle” (Hughes 2017).
    Sist redigert:


    Dana Milbank sparer Stephen Miller for arbeidet. Han har satt sammen Trumps tale om "race relations" fra Trumps tidligere uttalelser:

    President Trump’s planned address to the nation on race, American Urban Radio’s April Ryan reports, is being written by none other than Stephen Miller, a Trump aide and aficionado of white nationalism.
    This is bound to raise a fuhrer. What next? Paul Manafort drafting a presidential address on business ethics?
    But Miller can stand down. Trump has already given his remarks on race — manytimes, in fact. Here they are, entirely in Trump’s own words, excerpted:

    I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks. Oh, look at my African American over here. Look at him.

    Nobody has ever done for the black community what President Trump has done. My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. George [Floyd] is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that is happening for our country. A great day for him.
    Diamond and Silk, you’re so, so great. Thank you, Kanye, thank you. Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.
    Think of this: Blacks for Trump, Black Voices for Trump, African Americans for Trump. Call it whatever the hell you want. I have a group of African American guys and gals, by the way, that follow me around, and they think I pay them and I don’t.
    A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. If I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage. Sadly, because President Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!
    To the African American community, I say what the hell do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. Last in crime, last in this, last in homeownership, last in the economy, lowest wages. Our inner cities are a disaster. You get shot walking to the store. They have no education, they have no jobs.
    Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now”?
    Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States? No human being would want to live there. A disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested).
    So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came?
    Why do we need more Haitians? Why are we having people from all these shithole countries come here? We should have more people from places like Norway.
    An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud. His grandmother in Kenya said, “Oh, no, he was born in Kenya.” A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate.
    You ever see Maxine Waters? A low-IQ individual. LeBron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made LeBron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.
    What has happened to the respect for authority, the fear of retribution by the courts, society and the police? Let our politicians give back our police department’s power to keep us safe. Unshackle them from the constant chant of “police brutality.” BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY AND BRING BACK OUR POLICE!
    You also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park, from Robert E. Lee to another name. Robert E. Lee was a great general. They’re trying to take away our culture. A Great AmericanHeritage.
    I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching. I am the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!


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    Men dette appelerer til mange rundt oss, hvor mange avhenger av hvor flinke demagogene er. Og de har lett spill i dårlige tider. C19 er et virkemiddel som kan bringe med seg et helvete utenom selve sykdommen også, det bekymrer meg.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Hva, med teskjeer, har han gjort nå som har toppet tidligere uttalelser?
    Høres ut som at jeg har gått glipp av noe minneverdig.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Liten by
    Angående The Lincoln Project; det må være relativt høyt under taket hos the Conways?


    Ble medlem
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    Hva, med teskjeer, har han gjort nå som har toppet tidligere uttalelser?
    Høres ut som at jeg har gått glipp av noe minneverdig.
    Bare business as usual. Litt overdrevet fra Lincoln Project, dessverre, men jeg regner med at det er dette de mener:
    Annotation 2020-06-11 144014.png

    Bragg & Co var sørstatsgeneraler.

    Dessuten ser jeg en nokså skamløs annonse for egne resorts, men det er også business as usual for gærningen:
    Annotation 2020-06-11 144015.png


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Godt han hadde alle disse enorme bunkene med kontrakter som overlot ansvaret for bedriftene sine til andre, så han ikke skulle anklages for interessekonflikter mens han var president.

    (ja, jeg sikter til de store bunkene med blanke ark som han stolt viste frem)


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    General John Bell Hood, en mann etter Trumps hjerte:
    He led a division under James Longstreet in the campaigns of 1862–63. At the Battle of Gettysburg, he was severely wounded, rendering his left arm useless for the rest of his life. Transferred with many of Longstreet's troops to the Western Theater, Hood led a massive assault into a gap in the Union line at the Battle of Chickamauga, but was wounded again, requiring the amputation of his right leg.

    Hood returned to field service during the Atlanta Campaign of 1864, and at the age of 33 was promoted to temporary full general and command of the Army of Tennessee at the outskirts of Atlanta, making him the youngest soldier on either side of the war to be given command of an army. There, he dissipated his army in a series of bold, calculated, but unfortunate assaults, and was forced to evacuate the besieged city. Leading his men through Alabama and into Tennessee, his army was severely damaged in a massive frontal assault at the Battle of Franklin and he was decisively defeated at the Battle of Nashville by his former West Point instructor, Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, after which he was relieved of command.

    After the war, Hood moved to Louisiana and worked as a cotton broker and in the insurance business. His business was ruined by a yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans during the winter of 1878–79 and he succumbed to the disease himself, dying just days after his wife and oldest child, leaving ten destitute orphans.
    For ikke å snakke om General Braxton Bragg, som vant så mye at soldatene hans til slutt ble lei av all "winning":
    Bragg is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Most of the battles in which he engaged ended in defeats. Bragg was extremely unpopular with both the men and the officers of his command, who criticized him for numerous perceived faults, including poor battlefield strategy, a quick temper, and overzealous discipline. Bragg has a generally poor reputation with historians, while some point towards the failures of Bragg's subordinates, especially Leonidas Polk, a close ally of Davis and known enemy of Bragg, as more significant factors in the many Confederate defeats at which Bragg commanded. The losses which Bragg suffered are cited as principal factors in the ultimate defeat of the Confederacy.
    James M. McPherson's reference to "the bumblers like Bragg and Pemberton and Hood who lost the West"[61] sums up the judgment of many modern historians. Bragg's shortcomings as an army commander included his unimaginative tactics, mostly his reliance on frontal assault (such as the Hornet's Nest at Shiloh, Breckinridge's assault at Stones River, and numerous instances at Chickamauga), and his lack of post-battle follow-up that turned tactical victories or draws into strategic disappointments (Perryville and Chickamauga). His sour disposition, penchant to blame others for defeat, and poor interpersonal skills undoubtedly caused him to be criticized more directly than many of his unsuccessful contemporaries.
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    Dr Dong

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    landskapet uten motstand
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    som asbjørn sier, dette er nok bakgrunnen, og at lincolngutta nå trår til. det var derfor jeg sa oops

    det sagt: nå har de navna mer eller mindre fredelig blitt godtatt frem til nå, og en kan jo som naiv observatør lure på hvorfor denne navneendringa ikke har kommet for gud-vet-hvor-mange-år siden, siden det er så viktig.

    på den annen side: det illustrerer godt hvordan nesten hva som helst kan krystalliseres til et politisk stridspunkt. bøker forteller oss ikke hva som a priori kan utgjøre et stridsemne; det er det den politiske aktualitet som gjør. ( jf c. schmitt) men det er vel også klart; disse navna står nå i en politisk kontekst som er ny!

    det er ikke bare gode ads; nå økes den retoriske potens !

    tillegg: jordskjelvet i lisboa ble politisk stridstema; ikke fordi en kritiserte den politiske respons i hjelpearbeidel men fordi politikken var situert innen en teologisk horisont. og da snakker vi gud og forsyn og rettferdighet.

    tillegg 2
    dette også

    So. Let's set the stage...
    President Trump has chosen as the venue for his first rally in months, Tulsa, Oklahoma, site of a horrific massacre of African Americans. And he has set the date for June 19th, Juneteenth, a celebration of the end of slavery in the United States.
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    Fra linken og hva dama tror på;
    "many QAnon fans are convinced that leading Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are somehow engaged in sexual or cannibalistic torture of children. QAnon believers have been charged with two murders, a terrorist incident, and two child abduction plots related to their beliefs, among other crimes. The FBI considers QAnon a potential source of domestic terrorism. "

    Jeg lurer virkelig på hvordan denne høsten og vinteren blir....
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