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Som John Atkinson for eksempel. Rettet link

Andre kan nok lese dem bedre enn meg.
Som John Atkinson for eksempel. Rettet link
RoyMy estimate of the Sophia's sensitivity was 88.3dB(B)/2.83V/mthe same as the original Sophia, which I reviewed in July 2002. (See that speaker's measurements.) Though a little higher than the specified 87dB/W/m, this can be explained by the fact that the Sophia 3's impedance (fig.1) remains below 7 ohms for the entire midrange and much of the bass. It therefore draws more than 1W from the amplifier at a voltage level of 2.83V, which is equivalent to a power of 1W only into 8 ohms. I commend Wilson Audio Specialties for their honesty in specifying the Sophia 3's sensitivity. Though the impedance drops to 3.15 ohms in the upper bass and there is a combination of 5 ohms and 44° electrical phase angle at 57Hz, overall the Sophia 3 will not be hard to drive. The shape of its impedance curve will tilt the high frequencies up a little with tubed amplifiers, however.