Re verdisyn: Jeg reposter en tidligere av mine poster, med en grei oppsummering jeg har klippet fra en amerikaner. Den bekreftes av en rekke andre kilder som er sitert og referert tidligere i tråden:
"Missing in this is the somewhat messianic vision Russia has had about itself since nearly the founding of the Moscow Rus (in the aftermath of the Mongol's destruction of the Kyivian Russ) and how Moscow came to view itself as the third, and final, home for Roman Empire (the first being Rome, of course, the second being Constantinople)--- and how Moscow and Russia plays a critical world role as this successor.
And as I said, this vision tends to be messianic, as they see themselves as the defender of these civilized values against a decadent, decayed West and a primitive, brutal East. It sounds farcical, but these beliefs have pervaded Russian identity and decision making for generations. And while Russian youth today, with the internet, tend to be more "modern" in their views, Putin is doing all he can to quash this trend and retain what he thinks is a historically important place for Russia as a defender of it's Roman and moral legacy."
Vesten trodde vel kanskje, som i Irak, at landet var modent for å ta et skritt videre, men oppdaget/oppdager til sin forskrekkelse at befolkningen har gått glipp av et par hundre års modning, utvikling og velstand, og fortsatt lever og tenker som vasaller.