Synes det er rart at folk sluker vestens utsagn.
For litt siden sa Vesten at Assad i Syria hadde brukt kjemiske våpen mot sin egen befolkning og var villige til å gå til krig.
Nå, mindre enn ett år etter, så kommer det frem for dagen at det var Tyrkia som sto bak. NATO-medlemmet Tyrkia sto bak! Allikevel frontet Cameroon og Obama krig.
Skjønner ikke at folk fortsatt tror på hva som kommer fra USA og NATO. De har jo blitt avkledd med løgn etter hver bidige krig.
Konspirasjonsteori ble fakta - Ytring
Man vet ikke hva som er sant men du synes ikke at det er rart at gassen ble sluppet bare noen kilometer unna observatørene akkurat da de var på stedet?
Her er forresten kilden til denne artikklen som betviler Hersh
Eliot Higgins was born in 1979.
[1] In 2012, when Higgins began blogging the Syrian civil war, he was an unemployed finance and admin worker who spent his days taking care of his child at home.
[1] He is married to a Turkish woman with one child.
[2][3] Higgins took the pseudonym Brown Moses from the
Frank Zappa song "Brown Moses" on the album
Higgins' analyses of Syrian weapons, which began as a hobby out of his home in his spare time, are now frequently cited by the press and human rights groups and have led to questions in parliament.
[1] His blog, Brown Moses Blog, began in March 2012 by covering the Syrian conflict. Higgins operates by monitoring over 450 YouTube channels daily looking for images of weapons and tracking when new types appear in the war, where, and with whom.
[1] He has been hailed as something of a pioneer.
[1] Because of the large number of videos uploaded by participants in the war, a lot of data and information can be gleaned for those with the time and knowledge to sort through it. Higgins has no background or training in weapons and is entirely self-taught, saying that "Before the Arab spring I knew no more about weapons than the average Xbox owner. I had no knowledge beyond what I'd learned from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rambo."
[1] He has never been to Syria and has no friends or family there
Pål Refsdal som har skrevet den artikkelen tror heller ikke på PST når det gjelder de som drar til Syria for å krige.
Avviser frykten for unge radikale muslimer i Norge - nyheter -
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I've said it from the beginning Higgins and Kaszeta and the rest of the mainstream media are obsessed with this notion that Ghouta was a 'massive' attack and thus it follows it must be the regime. Well if you want to point to volcanos as evidence of SAA complicity, please point to 1700 or was it 2000 burials of the victims .. how about even some video of the funerals? Apart from a photo of 8 men wrapped in sheets in a ditch there is nothing. zip. zero.
It is clear there was a chemical attack. We know the MSF (Doctors without Borders) stated approximately 300 bodies although they seem to have disappeared. We can point out obvious fallacies in the videos that were uploaded on the 21 August and we know of bodies being transferred between incident sites. How about the evidence in the videos themselves?
Pharmacologist Dr Denis O Brien stated for the record it would be impossible for anyone to diagnose the victims as suffering from sarin exposure so how was this publicised within hours? This unaccounted for numbers of victims goes right to the heart of the issue that Higgins and Kaszeta will avoid at all costs. Because if you concede that maybe the attack was not as massive as has been portrayed you must also open up the parameter of suspects. Kaszeta and Higgins will not concede. They have dug in too deep now. Kaszeta is a CBRN consultant, he is fighting for his commercial reputation. All his customers are NATO agencies there is absolutely no surprise with the position he has taken and continues to pursue.
USA og NATO bare venter på en unnskyldning for å angripe Syria, dette er en krig Assad ikke kan vinne, det blir som i Libya da Ghaddafi var nære seieren så ble hans styrker bombet sønder og sammen av NATO, det samme vil skje i Syria.
Daglig leser jeg om Syria og brudd på alt av lover, det siste var vel at det var klor i Syria, USA bare venter på en unnskyldning og finner de den ikke går de inn likevel som de gjorde i Irak 2003.