Takkerhel skrev:Flotte innlegg mteinum. Dette er en skikkelig ressurs-tråd som overgår en hvilken som helst platebutikk (selv for 20 år siden) ;D
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Airplay - Airplay 30th Anniversary Special Edition [Blu-spec CD SICP 20249]
Dette er AOR/Westcoast bibelen uten sidestykke. Her en preview fra den "nye" utgaven:

Airplay is the legendary West Coast Pop Project of Jay Graydon, David Foster and Tommy Funderburk. They released only this album. If You should not listen to this album, I would strongly recommend to listen to this most basic A.O.R album soonest possible. This is what we call as A.O.R. here in Japan. Bible Album! There is no better A.O.R. album than this album, until now and from now on. This album represents 20th century also with Beatles albums. Masterpiece of the Masterpiece. The history of A.O.R is made by this release.
You can find out the song titled "Stressed Out (Close To The Edge)" performed by same project name "Airplay" on the soundtrack album of the movie "St. Elmo's Fire" (1985). But this song performed by Jay Graydon and David Foster with Peter Beckett instead of Tommy Funderburk.
Drums: Jeff Porcaro, Mike Baird
Bass: David Hungate
Additional Rhythm Guitars: Steve Lukather, Pay Parker Jr.
Synthesizer Programming: Steve Porcaro
Horns: Jerry Hey, Gary Grant, Lew McCreary, Bill Reichenbach, Steve Madaio, Vharlie Loper
Background Vocals: Bill Champlin, Tom Kelly, Max Gronrthal
