Hvis du først har bakladet horn så tror jeg det er best å være fornøyd med kvalitetsbassen ned til 50 Hz du allerede har.
Alternativt kan du prøve å få til en sub løsning fra 50 Hz og ned. Men veldig diskret og forsiktig. Fase og match er viktig. At subben er kjapp er superviktig.
Noen en tips fra Lowther America om sub med bakladede horn:
FAQ's, Tweaks
Using a Subwoofer
There has been a lot of discussion about using a subwoofer with a Lowther, and the need to have fast bass. This is somewhat of a misnomer, bass is by definition slow. However, mis-tuned bass drivers (typical of home theaters systems where low end impact is desired, and therefore accentuated) will "ring" and have slow decay time. Avoid these.
The single biggest problem with joining a subwoofer has been the result of mis-matched phase response when using with a back loaded horn, such as the Medallion or Alerion. WIth these speakers the bass horn is loaded by the back of the driver, and therefore is out-of-phase with the primary signal. If you do not reverse the phase of the subwoofer when trying to mate with one of these speakers, you will have an extremely difficult time. There will be a cancelation of bass in the crossover region. Boosting the subwoofer to fill this hole creates boomy bass, giving the impression of an ill-tuned system.
When connecting to an open baffle system, the subwoofer should be in-phase with the speaker. The bass is fed from the front of the cone, and therefore is in phase.
So please, buy a musical subwoofer (in example the Rythmic or the Nola Thunderbolt), and make sure the phase is proper for the speaker you are using.