Litt av en pris på disse flotte saker: 400,000 CHF X 7.11 (Dagens kurs) = 2,844,000 Nkr.,,,Effektforsterkere for å drive Rockport Arrakis 2 mellombass, mellomtone og diskant (FM Acoustics Resolution Series 118
Dette er selve drømmen. Muligheten til å kunne få i hus en limited edition jubileums monoblokk fra FM Acoustics. De har tatt svært hardt i når de har prootert disse forsterkerne. Dersom man skal tro på reklamematriellt har de kommet opp med en ny trafo som gjør at forsterkeren kan yte 600A (kontinuerlig!). Jeg vet dog ikke helt om jeg er med på den. Likevel er det noe stort å ha det beste FM Acoustics kan lage. Disse produktene er som håndlagede intrumenter og testingen de går gjennom før de slippes ut på markedet er helt vanvitttig. Denne modellen vil kun bli produsert i 40 par i forbindelse med FM Acoustics 40 års jubileium i år.
Minimum Power Output:
Precision non-bridged mono amplifier.
As a general indication of capability: the numbers below are measured into resistive load while operating with continuous music or continuously repetitive toneburst. These ratings, however, cannot fully represent the actual performance when driving precision transducers.
1000 W peak into 8 Ohm
2000 W peak into 4 Ohm
3500 W peak into 2 Ohm
6000 W peak into 1 Ohm
500 W RMS into 8 Ohm
1000 W RMS into 4 Ohm
1800 W RMS into 2 Ohm
3000 W RMS into 1 Ohm
Max. Audio Output Voltage: 180 Vpp.
Max. Audio Output Current: Absolutely unlimited Peak current (600A peaks have been measured!) allows the FM 118 to drive any known load at peak performance level without any strain, harshness or any other negative influence on the audio signal. There are no fuses or limiters in the amplifier orpower supply circuity; absolutely no form of current limiting, voltage limiting or any other kind of limiting is employed which is one reason for the breathtaking dynamic rendering.
Distortion: 0,003% THD
Gain: 30.5dB
Bandwidth including Anti-RFI circuit: 5 Hz to 60 kHz.
Internally adjustable to other frequencies
Hum and Noise: (22Hz-22kHz).
Below full power typically: -115 dB
Min. unweighted: better than -100 dB
Input: Proprietary electronically balanced discrete enhanced class A circuitry, floating ground, noninverting or inverting mode.
Input Sensitivity: 1,6 VRMS for full output
Input Impedance: At all level settings from balanced and unbalanced sources: 40 KOhm Unbalanced sources are balanced right at the input of the FM 118.
Chassis Resonance Damping: High-strength, dual anti-resonance chassis design effectively isolates sensitive electronic components from potential negative influence such as induced resonance. In addition, mechanical resonance damping on all panels is employed. The whole chassis including covers, plates, transformer mounting, transformer leaves, side panels, capacitor mountings etc. use FM ACOUSTICS’ proprietary resonance suppression techniques.
Average Life Expectancy:
At 25 oC ambient temperature, medium power,
10 h/day, 365 days per year: 40 years
AC Voltage: fixed at either 100-115 or 200 - 230V, 50-60 Hz
Maximum Mains Over-voltage: Short-term, not on switch-on: 170% V nominal
Long-term, incl. switch-on: 110% V nominal
Input Stage Common Mode Rejection: >100dB at 50/60 Hz, even better at other frequencies.
Maximum Input Level: +20 dBm (7,75 VRMS)
Load Impedance: No minimum impedance. Designed for less than 1 Ohm to 10'000 Ohm systems. Can drive any speaker impedance - dynamic, electrostatic, ribbon, planar etc. - without any limiting, compression or other negative effects on the audio signal.
The amplifier is fully protected against short circuits and other adverse conditions via a unique on board system that continuously surveys all important parameters. This system assures the amplifier is always working optimally.
Unique protection systems proprietary to FM ACOUSTICS safeguard against adverse conditions such as short circuit, HF oscillation, RF interference, +DC and -DC offset, over-temperature, reduced air flow, blocked or dirty fan filters, damage to the protection system itself, etc.
Open circuit stability protection assures that the amplifier remains absolutely stable even when no load is connected.
Power Consumption:
At idle: less than 200 W RMS
At 30% power: 1800 W RMS
At nominal power: 3030 W RMS
With dynamic signals: >10000 W peak
Mains Supply Requirement:
No mains voltage drop when supplying:
12.5 A cont., 60A peak at 220V-240V
25 A cont., 125A peak at 110V-120V
to each FM 118 amplifier.
Operating Temperature:
0 grader C to +40 grader C
Operating Humidity:
Short-term: 0 to 95%
Long-term: 0 to 85%
Amplifier works fine in high humidity areas but continuous high humidity may shorten lifetime of certain components somewhat.
Burn-in Time at Factory: Minimum 200 hours (1000 thermal cycles)
Vibration Test at Factory: Minimum 60 minutes (50’000 vibration cycles)
Input Connector:
Female XLR 3-pin balanced:
Non-inverting: Inverting:
Pin 1: ground Pin 1: ground
Pin 2: return (cold)Pin 2: signal (hot)
Pin 3: signal (hot) Pin 3: return (cold)
Output Connectors:
Paralleled FORCEPLUG 200, proprietary ultra low loss high-performance connector receptables.
Continuous current handling = 200A, 1200A peak
Spare Parts Availability: Guaranteed available for a minimum of 10 years. Guaranteed ex stock availability of 99% of all individual parts.
46 kg net
52 kg packed
430 mm wide
260 mm high
550 mm deep
IEC, DIN and MIL (Military)
Standards of components used:
IEC 68 = 55/155/56 DIN 384-4
IEC 68 = 55/085/21 DIN 40040
IEC 144/IP 65 DIN 40046
IEC 40/100/56 DIN 40050 P 54
IEC 115-1 DIN 41332 TYPE IIA
IEC 384-9 DIN 44061
IEC 384-8 IB DIN 44112
IEC 68: 2-6 DIN 44356
IEC 68: 55/085/056 DIN 45910 PART 1201
IEC 68: 55/200/56 DIN 45921-107
Note: A pair of FM 118' requires two separate mains supplies that each can provide at least 12.5A at 200-240V (or 25A at 100-120V) without any mains voltage drop.