Det å øke andelen fornybar energi i Norge er ikke noe stort problem, bygge ut et nytt vassdrag eller gå for vind.
Se på Fosen vind, 1000 MW
Minner om at utbygging av vind ikke er lønnsomt i Norge. Statkraft besluttet å ikke bygge ut Fosen - helt til myndighetene spritet opp businesscaset med subsidier (etterfulgt med press fra statsråd). Dette er også et problem så lenge vi er en del av et større kraftmarked - ettersom skattepenger og inntekter fra oljen finansierer god samvittighet - men ikke nødvendigvis de beste løsningene.
Ser ut til at påstanden din ikke holder.
Google and BlackRock invest in Norwegian wind farm Tellenes
Google and BlackRock invest in Norwegian wind farm Tellenes
Yesterday, the final closing of Tellenes wind farm in Rogaland, took place in London. Zephyr and Norsk Vind Energi, together with Google and BlackRock announced that Google will buy all the production from the wind farm, for 12 years.
Tellenes wind farm will consist of 50 Siemens 3,2 MW turbines, and will produce in excess of 500 GWh (500 million kWh) per year.
- The physical construction of the wind farm will start on Monday, Olav Rommetveit, CEO of Zephyr said.
- We are over the moon with today’s announcement. This goes to show that Norwegian wind power is competitive, and attracts interest from big, international players, Øyvind Isachsen, CEO of NORWEA said.-
- We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Zephyr and Norsk Vind Energi with a job well done, as well as welcoming Google and BlackRock to the Norwegian wind market, Isachsen continues.
With today’s investment, Norwegian wind reaches 1323,3 MW of final investment decisions this year to date. NORWEA also recognises that Austri Vind’s Raskiftet moves ever closer to FID as well.
- The rumours of Norwegian wind’s impending death are greatly exaggerated. We have said all along, that we will take a big share of the joint certificate market. We expect the total investment decisions in wind in Norway to reach 2000 MW for the year of 2016, Isachsen said.
With the Norwegian participation in the joint certificate market coming to an end in 2021, it’s encouraging to see big, international players entering the Norwegian market for the first time. Whilst Danish EKF played a significant part in the Fosen deal, the German bank DekaBank enters the market through the Tellenes deal.
- We’ve been clear on this point all along; we are dependent on international investors, as well as international competency to utilize the Norwegian wind resource. That is why we have spent so much time and effort on our yearly Finance Seminars, Special Adviser Andreas T. Aasheim at NORWEA said.
- While not overplaying our own role in this, we are happy to note that several of the players associated with today’s announcement were present at Lysebu and our Finance Seminar last February, Aasheim said.
- We will continue will full pace ahead, and we urge the Norwegian authorities to take note: Norwegian wind is ever so attractive for international investors. So far this year, we’ve seen FID in the range of 15bn NOK. With the challenges the market is currently facing, that has to account for something, Aasheim concludes.