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Jury still out on Swedish coronavirus strategy
In the race to condemn the Swedes for their approach to coronavirus, critics are missing the bigger picture
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«Comparing Sweden with other countries produces a mixed picture: it shows that very early, very extreme lockdowns in smaller countries such as Denmark can be effective in arresting the virus completely. If numbers of deaths are the only measure of success, Denmark is “doing better” than Sweden here. By this measure, which many British commentators seem to consider the most important metric, the sign of good government simply becomes who can impose the strictest lockdown and reduce the number of Covid deaths closest to zero for as long as possible — but there is no sense in this discussion of a viable long term policy looks like, or what the trade offs or secondary effects might be.
Anders Tegnell explicitly worries that the Denmark lockdown has been too effective, and that they will struggle to find a way out of it. The moment they start releasing the lockdown measures, there could be a panic as cases start rising again. Modelling released by the Danish government factors in an increase in transmission, and therefore cases, and therefore deaths, when they bring schools back after Easter. But they are still going ahead and there aren’t headlines of ‘blood on their hands’ because of it.
The comparison of Sweden with other European countries also suggests that in those places where the virus was already widespread, such as the UK, the severity of the lockdown doesn’t necessarily correlate with a flatter curve. Belgium, which is fully locked down, has a much more worrying trajectory than Sweden, with no lockdown. The severest and most disastrous epidemics so far have been in Italy and Spain, the countries with the strictest legal lockdowns.
In any case, it’s unclear whether the ‘Danish option’ would even have been available to the UK, with a city like London at its heart. The worst epidemics have been seen in global hubs such as London and New York — another reason why it is a fallacy to say that the size and extent of different national epidemics is simply the effect of differing government policies.
That’s why it is important that some of the simplistic thinking surrounding this crisis needs to be challenged. If the only moral and virtuous policy is to minimise Covid deaths at all costs, as parts of the media imply with the endless game of ‘look how badly Britain is doing compared to X other country’, there can be no argument for releasing any part of the national shutdown at any point. The refrain at every point will be the same: why take a risk with people’s lives? And the Government will find itself backed into a corner.»