Politikk, religion og samfunn Identitetspolitikk og anerkjennelse

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    Interessant om identitetspolitkk, kommunistisk propaganda og sosial justis.




    Have you ever wondered how actors cry in movies and on television? Some of the greatest scenes in history are largely thanks to the actor's ability to conjure real tears. However, sometimes they need help. That's where the makeup department comes in. Arielle Toelke, a Local 798 Makeup Artist who works in tv and film showed us four different methods that achieve four different crying results.


    Ikke så veldig ulikt fra dagens BLM-posering hos de progressive.


    Norge er ikke et rasistisk land
    Hvis vi skal leve godt sammen i dette landet, må vi bygge broer, ikke skape avstand til hverandre.

    Dave Spilde


    Dr Dong

    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    landskapet uten motstand
    Torget vurderinger
    omkring «profeten» peterson og nazi:


    Peterson insists that the crimes of Communism were a matter of Marxist ideology running its logical course. But when he analyzes Nazi crimes, the diagnosis is quite different: he ignores the actual causation of the Holocaust – racist antisemitic hatred – and reduces it to a ‘universal’ human instinct: disgust.

    This is why Peterson’s statements about Hitler are not only ignorant, but also dangerous. They feed into the victimhood narrative so central to alt-right identity politics. If there is a way to justify even Hitler’s hatred and resentfulness then, surely, there’s a way to legitimize anyone else’s. It’s a short step to explaining today’s radical right as a group of confused ‘incels’ acting out their universal and reasonable "resentfulness and hatred." They become rather harmless.

    But Peterson offers no such discounts to the radical left: for him, they are the real threat today because of their ideological motivation. Peterson has indeed suggested that Antifa is similar to the Nazis because of their "proclivity to violence."


    Ble medlem
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    But when he analyzes Nazi crimes, the diagnosis is quite different: he ignores the actual causation of the Holocaust – racist antisemitic hatred – and reduces it to a ‘universal’ human instinct: disgust.
    Men hva er forskjellen? Rasime/antisemmitisme og avsky er da to sider av samme sak. Semantikk....


    BLM er vel kort oppsummert bare den svarte utgaven av Ku Klux Klan. Reinspikka rasister og dessuten skadelige oppviglere.


    Hi-Fi interessert
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    BLM er vel kort oppsummert bare den svarte utgaven av Ku Klux Klan. Reinspikka rasister og dessuten skadelige oppviglere.
    Som man sa i antikken: Mot dumheten kjemper selv gudene forgjeves. Alt er langt fra bra med BLA, men å sammenligne dem med KKK er så historieløst og stupid at det egentlig ikke er mulig med noen diskusjon.


    Når det hjerneskade progressive søppelet skal prøve å kuppe kulturen så går det gjerne slik:



    Som man sa i antikken: Mot dumheten kjemper selv gudene forgjeves. Alt er langt fra bra med BLA, men å sammenligne dem med KKK er så historieløst og stupid at det egentlig ikke er mulig med noen diskusjon.
    Selve definisjonen av rasisme er å behandle mennesker forskjellig utifra rase og hudfarge. Slik sett er BLM og KKK nesten helt identiske! King sa en gang at han hadde en drøm om at mennesker skule ble sett på som individer og ikke som en del av en gruppe eller rase og dømt derfra, fått tildelt politiske oppgaver og ting man skulle so,m svart eller hvit eller whatever mene.... BLM driter diaré i trynet på King! Avskum! De er ikke annet enn ytterst radikaliserte kommunistiske drittsekker, oppviglere, og en rotteinvasjon.
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    Hi-Fi interessert
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Nei, rasismen i KKK baserer seg dels på å beholde makt og dels på en tåpelig kvasivitenskap om at noen folkegrupper er overlegne andre i kraft av arv og at noen "raser" er bestemt til å være underordnet andre. BLM er en reaksjon på strukturell vold i USA og også et uttrykk for hvor kritisk det er der borte etter snart førti år med utarming av den fattigere delen av befolkningen. De må få på plass en bedre fordelingspolitikk som skaper muligheter for å leve ok av vanlige lønninger.


    Hi-Fi interessert
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Fordelingspolitikk er noe alle større komplekse samfunn må ha. Hvilke skatter og avgifter vi skal ha og hvordan disse inntektene fordeles og brukes er alle regjeringers oppgave. Som sagt, Gjestemedlem, du fremstår så dum at det er liten grunn til å tro at er i stand til noen som helst form for meningsfull dialog.


    Jeg tror heller det ikke er så mye ut å hente i fra "diskusjon" med kommunister...

    En ting er nå hvordan inntektene til staten skal fordeles, det er noe alle partier diskuterer, men det er jo milevis unna dette hva de rødeste har i tankene. Der handler det stort dett om hvordan man kan stjele mest mulig fra "de rike" slik at man kan sløse pengene deres bort på vas, fjas og progressive prosjekter.

    Alle må bidra noe til fellesskapet, med de røde kleptokratene eier ikke magemål. Det er aldri nok for dem før skattenivået er nær 100% og alle er ansatt i staten eller kommunen og lever på kuponger.


    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Torget vurderinger
    Nå er det vel en forsvinnende liten del av befolkningen som er kommunister.....


    Nå er det vel en forsvinnende liten del av befolkningen som er kommunister.....
    Jo de er alt for mange ... men de bruker kanskje andre tagger på seg selv .. få våger å si at de er kommunist .. men ideologier er ofte lik.

    Det er en slags forkortelse og samlebetegnelse for de nye fra aller ytterste venstre, som f.eks. Momentum i UK, det som ramler ut av de progressive universitetene i USA, Warren ... Sanders, Venezuela .. Rødt, BLM, Antifa, XR ... alt slikt

    Hvis noen har et bedre ord .. så gjerne det.


    Men har er farlig nær sannheten når det gjelder BLM!
    Ja, alt dette vrøvlet om "systemisk rasisme" i dag er bare et påskudd for å fyre opp om revolusjonen.

    Norge har ikke på noen områder systemisk rasisme i dag ... men vi har vært der! Jødelovene og behandlingen av samerog "tatere" for ikke så mange tiår siden.

    USA har vært der, slaveriet og segresjonslovene på 50-60 tallet.. men de også er langt forbi dette i dag.

    RSA har hatt systemisk rasisme, apartheid ... vel ..

    Det sosialistiske paradiset Kina praktiserer kanskje systemisk rasisme i dag ... om du ikke er riktig rase der er du et undermenneske som kan herses med som partiledelsen ønsker. .. og måten de behandler folkegrupper på der i dag og de mange konsentrasjonleirene de har hører ikke hjemme i 2020... noen plass på kloden.

    Deler av den muslimske verden praktiserer systemisk rasisme .. i noen land er det egne lover og regler for enkelte folk og andre for andre. Det blir man behandlet som del av en gruppe og ikke som et individ.. akkurat det som de progressive prøver å innføre i vesten. Gruppetenking .. og instruksjoner fra ledelsen. (for alles felles beste selvsagt)

    Japan også praktiserer en viss grad av dette, men der får man i alle fall innpass om man tilpasser seg, lærer og er ydmyk.

    Skal man få bukt med rasisme må man lære seg å drite i hvilken rase mennesker har og forholde oss til dem som individer. Men dette er stikk i mot hva de radikaliserte identitetspolitikerne ønsker i dag ... der er det raseteorier og splitt og hersk, del folk inn i marxistiske offerhierarkier og drit i menneskene. Alt man sier og tenker skal defineres ut i fra gruppelederne deres bestemmer for dem... DET er rasisme det! Ikke at det finnes noen drittsekker.


    Progressiviteten vil ingen ende ta ...


    Alex Iversen

    «Cancel culture» finnes ikke. Del 7.
    Er det kanselleringsgrunn å ytre positive stereotypier? Jeg vet ikke om det stemmer at jøder er litt flinkere enn andre folkeslag. Og jeg bryr meg fint lite om det. Men det er mulig å argumentere for det. Jøder utgjør 0,25 prosent av jordens befolkning. Men de har - for å ta ett parameter - mottatt et helt disproporsjonalt antall nobelpriser (tall under).

    Men det er kanskje de «hvite privilegiene» jøder har nytt godt av opp gjennom historien som er forklaringen? Og da var det vel bare rett og rimelig at denne professoren mistet jobben?
    Economics: 41% (more than 205 times their share of the population)
    Medicine: 28% (more than 140 times their share of the population)
    Physics: 26% (more than 130 times their share of the population)
    Chemistry: 19% (more than 95 times their share of the population)
    Literature: 13% (more than 65 times their share of the population)
    Peace: 9% (more than 45 times their share of the population)

    • Liker
    Reaksjoner: SAL


    Ble medlem
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    Torget vurderinger
    Gjelder her også. En professor, som underviser i klima ved et av landets universiteter, ble innkalt til rektor etter å ha hevdet (etter spørsmål fra student) at han ikke visste om hvorvidt klimaendringene var menneskeskapte eller ei . Han baserte sitt svar på hva som står i den vitenskapelige litteraturen, og ikke på hva SV og MDG har programforpliktet......
    Politisering om hvilke "fakta" som er tillatt er livsfarlig......
    • Liker
    Reaksjoner: SAL


    En smak av et sosialistisk samfunn, hva kondomprofessoren ønsker oss: "Knus kapitalismen!" .. "Skatt dem til evigheten!"... "Fremad Kamerater!" ..

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    Verdien av "høyere utdanning" i et progressivt samfunn .. med progressive "professorer" .. godt illustrert her:



    Det er her vi er når progressive kommunister får kontroll...

    .. om ikke tenkende mennesker slår tilbake er vi alle slaver om få år!

    Våre universiteter er infiltrert av radikaliserte marxister som drømmer om en ny kulturrevolusjon a.la. Maos ... og institusjonene spyr ut hjernevasket radikalisert ungdom klar for barrikadene og kulturkrigen. ... "social justice warriors", progressive og woke, som skal bane vei for den revolusjonen AKP-ml aldri fikk.

    Alex Iversen

    Enda en kjent liberal kommentator gir seg. Denne gangen Barbara Kay i canadiske The National Post. Hun skriver bla på Facebook i kveld:
    "Every editor feels like he is one Tweet away from getting mobbed and fired. And so the range of permissible opinion shrinks daily. Many columns now read as if they were stitched together from the same few dozen bromides that one is still allowed to say. In a Canadian media industry that regularly lauds itself for courageous truth-telling, the goal is now to hide one’s true opinion rather than declare it.

    Since the early 2000s, journalists have anticipated the demise of their own industry. But we wrongly assumed that this decline would be driven exclusively by economic and technological factors. In recent months especially, it’s become clear that ideological purges have turned a gradual retreat into what now feels like a full-on rout."

    - Babara Kay

    Barbara Kay
    Dear Facebook friends, and (since this is a public post) National Post readers:
    It’s been two decades since my first byline appeared in the Post. For a woman who already was well into middle age when her career began, the experience has been a thrill and a privilege. Perhaps more importantly, it’s been lively, energizing and fun. The National Post was conceived in 1998 as a safe haven from the stale pieties that dominated (and still dominate) the legacy Canadian media. Unfortunately, the spirit now has gone out of the place. And I’ve decided to step away from my regular column, at least for now. I’ve been noticing for a while that much of the best writing about Canada is increasingly taking place on platforms that didn’t exist until recently (and in some cases aren’t even Canadian). Numerous international writers whom I admire have decided to find new ways to reach their audience. I will now join their ranks.

    There’s nothing the Canadian media loves more than stories about bitter infighting within its own ranks. And I wish I had a shocking tale of censorship or workplace bullying to supply to those media critics who trade on schadenfreude. Alas, I don’t. In fact, I continue to respect and appreciate the Post editors who’ve worked with me over the years. But the severe pressures they now experience no longer can be compartmentalized within their managerial sphere. They have spilled out into their relationship with their columnists, spoiling the weekly rites of editorial collaboration that once were one of the great joys of this job.
    Thanks to the excommunication of James Bennet and (effectively) Bari Weiss from The New York Times, the vicious hounding of Margaret Wente at Massey College, and the CBC’s sadistic shaming of veteran broadcaster Wendy Mesley, the poisonous phenomenon I am describing here is by now well-known. Every editor feels like he is one Tweet away from getting mobbed and fired. And so the range of permissible opinion shrinks daily. Many columns now read as if they were stitched together from the same few dozen bromides that one is still allowed to say. In a Canadian media industry that regularly lauds itself for courageous truth-telling, the goal is now to hide one’s true opinion rather than declare it.

    National Post editors Matt Gurney and Rob Roberts did their best to support me in recent months, even when my columns on charged topics were delayed or spiked. Days would pass between submission and publication, during which time the column shuffled from one editor to another for review.
    As recently as today, my editor assured me that my job was not at risk. But every week seems to deliver new restrictions and anxieties. And a writer shouldn’t have to feel like she is imposing on her editor, or asking him to exert himself as a special favour, merely so she can give voice to mainstream principles that most Canadians believe. Even when my columns appear in the National Post without any kind of delay or objection, I feel a lingering worry that some stray word or phrase will cause an editor to suffer blowback. If I were a less experienced writer who needed the money or the exposure, these are concerns that I would accommodate. But I’m fortunate enough to not be in that position.

    Since the early 2000s, journalists have anticipated the demise of their own industry. But we wrongly assumed that this decline would be driven exclusively by economic and technological factors. In recent months especially, it’s become clear that ideological purges have turned a gradual retreat into what now feels like a full-on rout. This is not a case of a lack of demand: The rise of popular new online sites shows that Canadians are eager for fresh voices and good reporting. Rather, legacy outlets are collapsing from within because they’ve outsourced editorial direction to a vocal internal minority that systematically weaponizes social media to destroy internal workplace hierarchies, and which presents its demands in Manichean terms. During the various iterations of political correctness that appeared since the 1990s, National Post editors fought against this trend. But as the public shaming of Rex Murphy shows, some now feel they have no choice but to throw down their weapons and sue for peace.

    One piece of good advice that every young writer gets is to illustrate broad principles with specific examples. So, by way of appendix, I include the last column I submitted to the National Post, consisting of a dispassionate review of Debra Soh’s new book, "The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity," which will be published next month by an imprint of Simon & Schuster. In outward respects, Soh is exactly the kind of writer whom progressives have lionized in recent years: a young woman of colour (and neuroscience PhD) who opines courageously about issues of sex and identity. Like me, she also happens to believe in concepts such as biology, sexual dimorphism, evidence-based clinical treatments, and the importance of peer-reviewed science. In a normal world, it wouldn’t matter that these concepts run afoul of ideological movements that venerate the revealed truths communicated by inwardly experienced sensations of gender. But even many progressives (including those who signed the Harper’s “Letter on Justice and Open Debate” this month) now publicly acknowledge that these are not normal times. And if as famous and powerful a writer as J.K. Rowling can get smeared for stating that biology is a thing, it shouldn’t surprise readers to know that the submission below provided yet another occasion for Post editors to drag their feet.

    We are experiencing a dark period for free thought in Canada. But extremist movements always work in cycles. And one already can hear the gears of counterrevolution grinding into motion. If my editors are amenable to it, I may choose to reappear in the pages of the Post when this movement is suitably advanced. Or not. Either way, I will find other means to get my opinions out into the world. And however I choose to do so, I’ve promised myself that the experience will be, at the very least, lively, energizing and fun.
    by Barbara Kay, July 24, 2020
    Most authors dedicate their books to loved ones or inspirational teachers. Debra Soh, sexologist and neuroscientist, dedicates her new book, The End of Gender: Debunking the myths about sex and identity in our society to “everyone who blocked me on Twitter.”

    It’s a fitting tribute, since aggressive opposition to Soh’s spirited defence of science against the prevailing theory-based doctrines of the trans movement has guided Soh’s professional trajectory for a number of years now.
    As Soh informs readers at the outset, she left her eleven-year research career in academia, because it was clear her field had been compromised by trans activism, and her freedom to explore her subject – gender, sex and sexual orientation - was continuously shrinking. Assessing the “long, ugly history between transgender activists and sexologists,” she could see no foreseeable end to the tensions, and segued to a career in journalism (Playboy, the Globe and Mail, Scientific American, Quillette, and others).

    From her first article, arguing against early transition for children, the mobbing began and never let up. But neither did supportive encouragement from ordinary people who find themselves baffled and disturbed by dogmas and vocabulary – “people who menstruate” - that make no sense to them, and which many women find offensive (I certainly do). Soh wrote the book for them: “to answer your questions at a time when it’s next to impossible to tell apart politically motivated ideas from scientific truth.”

    The book is organized around a series of trans-movement assumptions Soh identifies as myths: that “biological sex is a spectrum”; that “gender is a social construct”; that “there are more than two genders”; that “sexual orientation and gender identity are unrelated”; and so forth.
    It would take thousands of words to do justice to the book as a whole, as it covers such a wide gamut of trans-related issues, and each one handily. Soh’s chapter on the social contagion of “rapid onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) in teenage girls, for example, is superb. But wordage is the usual pesky constraint for columnists, so this cannot rise to the level of the review the book deserves.
    Instead, I’ll focus on what I find to be Soh’s core message, delivered via her beautifully calm, rational and precision-guided dissection of the inherent contradictions within the movement’s catechism. For many readers who have been half persuaded to acquiescence from constant exposure to the mantras Soh challenges, her exposé will fall like rain on parched earth.

    According to Soh, then.
    Fact: There are only two biological sexes, and they are not “assigned” at birth. Male and female gametes (eggs, sperm) determine our sex, and sex is binary, “not a spectrum.” Fact: Gender, too, “both with regard to identity and expression,” is biology-based and therefore binary. “It is not a social construct, nor is it divided from anatomy or sexual orientation.”
    Classic feminists gave us the concept of “social construction.” Feminists believe gendered differences in interests, presentation and behaviours are due to patriarchy and learned behaviour. Science tells us otherwise, Soh says. Male and female brains are demonstrably different. Now, Soh says, feminist chickens are coming home to roost, because – this is a trenchant insight - “If gender is thought to be learned, masculinity will remain the gold standard and femininity will be reduced to aberrations of it.”

    Gender fluidity is trending briskly amongst millennials, many of whom self-identify as transgender, agender, bigender or genderqueer (which can mean just about anything). “As more people take on these labels,” Soh observes, “being nonbinary has become a way to find community, a sense of belonging and acceptance.”
    She cites a Pew report that a third of Gen Zers and a quarter of millennials know someone who uses nonbinary pronouns like “they” as compared to a sixth of Gen Xers. (Soh’s observation is backed up by a recent questionnaire out of Evergreen State College, in which a full 50 percent of students self-identify as LGBT or “questioning.” )

    By normalizing and banalizing the concept of gender fluidity – that is, by inviting the whimsically transient, the mentally fragile, the mentally ill, even the opportunistic and sexually predatory into a small forum traditionally reserved for those with irreversible gender dysphoria, therefore legitimately entitled to medically-aided transition – the movement has radically increased the numbers within the trans-identifying fold.
    But this artificial demographic swell has come about at a huge cost to credulous children, vulnerable troubled teenagers, women athletes, and indeed, all women who are now forced to share intimate space with male bodies on the sole basis of uninterrogated gender self-identification. Soh is particularly troubled by one of the more grievous consequences of the “cultlike” trans movement’s social self-promotion, namely the concomitant social demotion (tending to erasure) of gays and lesbians.

    “By nonbinary activists’ definition, everyone on planet earth is gender nonbinary,” Soh says. The result is that merely gender-nonconforming children - effeminate boys, the great majority of whom would realize they were gay after puberty, and “butch” girls who would become lesbians - are encouraged in childhood to gravitate towards some form of trans self-identification instead of being allowed to grow into their biology-accepting, authentic sexuality. “I’m constantly amazed,” Soh writes in dismay, “at the number of gay men who will publicly defend childhood transitioning when the movement is leading to the extermination of gay children.”

    mayed by the harms this movement is causing? Soh and her publishers, Simon and Shuster, have shown courage in standing firm for science and reason in the midst of a moral panic that has gripped our institutions and scattered objectivity to the four winds. For that, they merit our material and moral support.


    noe annet enn hva som budbæres fra askøy kloakklag og tilknyttede.

    Det forekommer meg en smule hyklerisk å oppfordre til anstendighet og i samme innlegg karakterisere motstandere som noe fra kloakken ... men jeg er tykkhudet så det bekymrer ikke, ikke minst fordi slikt gjenspeiler avsender mer enn noe.. greit nok jeg kan finne på å si noe slikt selv.. no hard feelings.

    AOC har grunn til å være fornærmet, hun også fikk noen ord mot seg og vil slå tilbake.. klart det!

    So far so good ..
    men ... så går hun på trynet som alltid og blir ynkelig. Hun fatter ikke at ukvemsordene mot henne var til henne og ikke til en av gruppene sine, at hun er et kommunistisk pipedyr betyr ikke at det er et angrep på "alle kvinner". Dette er den marxistiske identitetspolitikken i sin kjerne ... kritiserer du meg så kritiserer du hele gruppen. det er som å si at om du kaller noen som har lange negler en drittsekk, så er det er angrep på alle som har lange negler. Dette er identitetspolitikken i et nøtteskall. Slik sett kan man gå fri med å være så ekkel og kommunistisk som det går an og samtidig møte kritikk med at det vat alle de andre man egentlig kritiserte ... alle for en. Kommunismens spire denne tanken... og gud hvilken elendighet den har spredt her i verden!
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