Visstnok ingen second wave i spania
Covid19 second wave monitoring
September 11, 2020
Execu@ve Summary
On Sept 11, Government adjusted upwards the Cases and Deaths again retroac<vely, specially for each day of August (!!!)
Even aEer these adjustments, in view of the evolu<on of the growth of weekly cases, hospitaliza<ons and deaths, twelve
weeks aEer its onset
the current rebound is not a second wave and is fading
(subject to no further retroac<ve adjustments)
In August cases have reached levels of March/April, and in some regions well above that level. But now asymptoma<c cases
are being included, while they were not in March/April (let alone the false posi<ves).
In the last two months, 96% of cases were mild or asymptoma<c, and only 4% required some kind of hospitaliza<on.
average of daily deaths increased in August up to 35, but did not follow the cases in the same propor<on as in March.
From May 10, those >60 years are 17% of Cases, but s<ll 93% of Deaths (so, 83% of Cases and 7% of Deaths are <60).
Seeing in perspec<ve from March, death toll remains very contained, and the shape of the death curve is s<ll very flat.
The same applies to the deaths reported by Autonomous Governments (regions). Although there are deep discrepancies
between some regions and central Government, the shape of their deaths curve remains equally flat (except Aragon).
Addi<onally, excess deaths for all causes (
) in each region do not show any sign of a second wave either, for now.
From May 10 to Sept 9, Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for all ages stands at 0.45% (in May was 15%
12%), although for the last 14
days of August/Sept it increased to 0,58%. From May 10 to September 9, CFR for those >60 years old is 2.38% (0.0238) and
CFR for
those <
years, for
the same
remains extremely low, at 0.036% (0.00036).
As per RENAVE data, there was not a single deceased of school
age children or youth (3 to 17 years old) un<l September 9.
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