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10 dokumenterte fakta om lavkarbo-diett
11/09/2011 av Espen Rostrup
Det verserer mange påstander om lavkarbo-diett/kosthold, noen mer faktabasert enn andre. Her er 10 fakta om lavkarbo som har vitenskapelig dokumentasjon gjennom kliniske studier (se referanser). Noen av disse effektene er godt dokumenterte gjennom gjentatte studier, noen kun i mindre studier og trenger gjerne bekreftelse i flere og større forsøk før de beveger seg ut hypotesestadiet.
Lavkarbo-diett gir vektreduksjon hos overvektige (1-16).
Lavkarbo-diett virker apetittregulerende og reduserer over tid næringsinntak (10).
Lavkarbo-diett reduserer søtsug (17).
Lavkarbo-diett gir høyere verdier av HDL-kolesterol og fører til færre av de små tette LDL-partiklene (16,18-25). Dette er endringer som er assosiert med redusert risiko for hjerte- karsykdom (26).
Lavkarbo-diett fører til markert bedring av type-2-diabetes (27-32).
Lavkarbo-diett fører til tilbakegang av fettlever (1).
Lavkarbo-diett kan føre til tilbakegang av arteriosklerose (33).
Lavkarbo-diett gir ikke økning av mettet fett i blod, heller ikke ved en tredobling i inntaket av mett fett i kostholdet (22).
Lavkarbo-diett fører ikke til redusert utholdenhet eller økt trettbarhet ved trening hos mosjonister (5).
Lavkarbo-diett kan føre til økt fettforbrenning ved trening (34).
1. Browning JD, Baker JA, Rogers T, Davis J, Satapati S, Burgess SC. Short-term weight loss and hepatic triglyceride reduction: evidence of a metabolic advantage with dietary carbohydrate restriction. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011 May;93(5):10481052.
2. Brinkworth GD, Buckley JD, Noakes M, Clifton PM. Renal function following long-term weight loss in individuals with abdominal obesity on a very-low-carbohydrate diet vs high-carbohydrate diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Apr.;110(4):633638.
3. Lim SS, Noakes M, Keogh JB, Clifton PM. Long-term effects of a low carbohydrate, low fat or high unsaturated fat diet compared to a no-intervention control. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Oct.;20(8):599607.
4. Hession M, Rolland C, Kulkarni U, Wise A, Broom J. Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of low-carbohydrate vs. low-fat/low-calorie diets in the management of obesity and its comorbidities. Obes Rev. 2009 Jan.;10(1):3650.
5. Brinkworth GD, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Buckley JD. Effects of a low carbohydrate weight loss diet on exercise capacity and tolerance in obese subjects. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009 Oct.;17(10):19161923.
6. Wycherley TP, Brinkworth GD, Keogh JB, Noakes M, Buckley JD, Clifton PM. Long-term effects of weight loss with a very low carbohydrate and low fat diet on vascular function in overweight and obese patients. J. Intern. Med. 2010 May;267(5):452461.
7. Gardner CD, Kiazand A, Alhassan S, Kim S, Stafford RS, Balise RR, et al. Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN diets for change in weight and related risk factors among overweight premenopausal women: the A TO Z Weight Loss Study: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2007 Mar. 7;297(9):969977.
8. Morgan LM, Griffin BA, Millward DJ, DeLooy A, Fox KR, Baic S, et al. Comparison of the effects of four commercially available weight-loss programmes on lipid-based cardiovascular risk factors. Public Health Nutr. 2009 Jun. 1;12(6):799807.
9. Nordmann AJ, Nordmann A, Briel M, Keller U, Yancy WS, Brehm BJ, et al. Effects of low-carbohydrate vs low-fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Intern Med. 2006 Feb. 13;166(3):285293.
10. Shai I, Schwarzfuchs D, Henkin Y, Shahar DR, Witkow S, Greenberg I, et al. Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. N Engl J Med. 2008 Jul. 17;359(3):229241.
11. Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, McGuckin BG, Brill C, Mohammed BS, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. N Engl J Med. 2003 May 22;348(21):20822090.
12. Brehm BJ, Seeley RJ, Daniels SR, DAlessio DA. A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Apr. 1;88(4):16171623.
13. Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, Makris AP, Rosenbaum DL, Brill C, et al. Weight and metabolic outcomes after 2 years on a low-carbohydrate versus low-fat diet: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Aug. 3;153(3):147157.
14. Brinkworth GD, Noakes M, Buckley JD, Keogh JB, Clifton PM. Long-term effects of a very-low-carbohydrate weight loss diet compared with an isocaloric low-fat diet after 12 mo. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2009 Jul. 1;90(1):2332.
15. Volek JS, Sharman MJ, Love DM, Avery NG, Gómez AL, Scheett TP, et al. Body composition and hormonal responses to a carbohydrate-restricted diet. Metab Clin Exp. 2002 Jul. 1;51(7):864870.
16. Krauss RM, Blanche PJ, Rawlings RS, Fernstrom HS, Williams PT. Separate effects of reduced carbohydrate intake and weight loss on atherogenic dyslipidemia. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May 1;83(5):102531; quiz 1205.
17. Martin CK, Rosenbaum D, Han H, Geiselman PJ, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, et al. Change in Food Cravings, Food Preferences, and Appetite During a Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diet. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Apr. 14;
18. Stoernell CK, Tangney CC, Rockway SW. Short-term changes in lipoprotein subclasses and C-reactive protein levels of hypertriglyceridemic adults on low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets. Nutr Res. 2008 Jul.;28(7):443449.
19. Guay V, Lamarche B, Charest A, Tremblay AJ, Couture P. Effect of short-term low- and high-fat diets on low-density lipoprotein particle size in normolipidemic subjects. Metab Clin Exp. 2011 Aug. 2;
20. Faghihnia N, Tsimikas S, Miller ER, Witztum JL, Krauss RM. Changes in lipoprotein(a), oxidized phospholipids, and LDL subclasses with a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet. J Lipid Res. 2010 Nov.;51(11):33243330.
21. Volek JS, Fernandez ML, Feinman RD, Phinney SD. Dietary carbohydrate restriction induces a unique metabolic state positively affecting atherogenic dyslipidemia, fatty acid partitioning, and metabolic syndrome. Prog. Lipid Res. 2008 Sep.;47(5):307318.
22. Forsythe CE, Phinney SD, Feinman RD, Volk BM, Freidenreich D, Quann E, et al. Limited effect of dietary saturated fat on plasma saturated fat in the context of a low carbohydrate diet. Lipids. 2010 Oct.;45(10):947962.
23. Sharman MJ, Gómez AL, Kraemer WJ, Volek JS. Very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets affect fasting lipids and postprandial lipemia differently in overweight men. J Nutr. 2004 Apr. 1;134(4):880885.
24. Volek JS, Sharman MJ, Forsythe CE. Modification of lipoproteins by very low-carbohydrate diets. J Nutr. 2005 Jun. 1;135(6):13391342.
25. Sharman MJ, Kraemer WJ, Love DM, Avery NG, Gómez AL, Scheett TP, et al. A ketogenic diet favorably affects serum biomarkers for cardiovascular disease in normal-weight men. J Nutr. 2002 Jul. 1;132(7):18791885.
26. Lamarche B, Tchernof A, Moorjani S, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Lupien PJ, et al. Small, dense low-density lipoprotein particles as a predictor of the risk of ischemic heart disease in men. Prospective results from the Québec Cardiovascular Study. Circulation. 1997 Jan. 7;95(1):6975.
27. Tae Sasakabe HHHUKW. Effects of a moderate low-carbohydrate diet on preferential abdominal fat loss and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 2011;4:167.
28. Yancy WS, Foy M, Chalecki AM, Vernon MC, Westman EC. A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2005;2:34.
29. Westman EC, Yancy WS, Mavropoulos JC, Marquart M, McDuffie JR. The effect of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008;5:36.
30. Feinman RD, Volek JS. Carbohydrate restriction as the default treatment for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Scand. Cardiovasc. J. 2008 Aug.;42(4):256263.
31. de Koning L, Fung TT, Liao X, Chiuve SE, Rimm EB, Willett WC, et al. Low-carbohydrate diet scores and risk of type 2 diabetes in men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011 Apr.;93(4):844850.
32. Accurso A, Bernstein RK, Dahlqvist A, Draznin B, Feinman RD, Fine EJ, et al. Dietary carbohydrate restriction in type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: time for a critical appraisal. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008;5:9.
33. Shai I, Spence JD, Schwarzfuchs D, Henkin Y, Parraga G, Rudich A, et al. Dietary intervention to reverse carotid atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2010 Mar. 16;121(10):12001208.
34. Patterson R, Potteiger JA. A comparison of normal versus low dietary carbohydrate intake on substrate oxidation during and after moderate intensity exercise in women. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Apr. 9;