DAC blir ferdig i dag!! Blir sent i morgen, kanskje litt for sent til at den er her på fredag.
Må si jeg er spent på oppgraderingen...., 8)
General Features Phasure NOS1 24/768 async USB :
(x) denotes a standard feature, contained in the price shown at the bottom
Asynchronous USB with maximum input of 32 bit 768KHz. Output : 24/768 max. All further sample rates supported. (x)
Automatic track to track selection of bit depth and sample rate. (x)
Needs XXHighEnd at this time. Settable (Control Panel) otherwise.
Fully upgradeable extremely robust Driver and Firmware for ASIO, WASAPI and Kernel Streaming. (x)
Notice that XXHighEnd does *not* support ASIO at this time, but other playback software will.
See below *) notations for planned near future software upgrades. The more * the lower the priority of development.
Direct instant volume control via the Driver using the known XXHighEnd algorithms. *) (x)
Does *not* need XXHighEnd.
Meant for Windows PC and Apple Mac (32 and 64 bit Operaring Systems) (Mac at max 32/384 input). (x)
Playback software is allowed to (and should) provide the filtering means (the DAC carries no destructive means of any sort). HiRes material is (and should be) passed 100% untouched. This means a truly "bit perfect" complete chain.
At this time it is unknown what additional time it needs to develop the additional software extensions for the Mac.
Configuration hardware options/extensions available.
See below +) notations for planned near future hardware upgrades. The more + the lower the priority of development.
Notice that these are hardware extensions, and generally a not available extension at the moment of ordering/delivering will allow upgrading yourself by minimal soldering (if at all).
SPDIF Input.
SPDIF Output / Throughput.
i2s Input. +++)
SPDIF Input direct or SRC controlled. ***)
i2s Output. +++)
2ch USB/SPDIF converter only. +)
This needs a special case.
SPDIF output will be ultra low jitter, similar to the original Phasure NOS1.
Can be combined with i2s Output (see above).
Digital loopback for 2 channels (max 32/384). (x)
Use to your imagination.
8 channel 24/384 operation. +++) ****)
The interface is ready for this, the output stages of the D/A part are not at this time.
The software development comprises in-driver XOver functions.
4, 6 or 8 channel operation is user selectable.
Immune to playback software on the SQ department. (x)
At last ...