C. Alshus skrev:
Noe forskjell? Hvis du ser bort fra Phonosophiens aktive drift.
Du som tar bilder i jobben, kan du ta bilde av DPS?
da var supernait tilbakke til kontrapunkt...
var en morsomt helg...noe helger ha man bare lyst å leker lit med sin hobby

...men musikken kom ikke for kort...
rest på engelsk : though also not my mother language...so please be kind
the candidates were :
-phonosophie 1-4 active mode
- ibl mk2 + rel quake sub
- supernait

-lavry da 10 on apple power book
all on fraim..naca 5 ...source...dps with dps rega 250 and dynavector 20 xl...see some pictures in last postings...
when the supernait arrived it was cold from the car. i think it has been burned in over several months so , there was just an up warming necessary. it was interessting to play the ibl in passive mode again, so i reattached the x overs on the back of the mini loudspeaker. the placement remained the same...
straight out of the box, the supernait sounded obvious different , but boring and thin...i gave it a night with music through the internal dac from the i tunes on low volume ( all files are ripped in wav...the output of the mac is set to 24 bit...the cable is an chord optichord 3 meters long )
next day...what a change ...the nait came to live...there was the familiar naim sound...my first impression was : the set sounded fuller with a slightly warmer presentation. the treble smooth , the base with the familiar depth and slightly bouncing... all together a lot of fun waking the lust for scrolling through the music archive...i was very interested how the internal dac would sound ...and look here, not bad at all... altogether it kept the naim typical presentation ( PRAT ) , but with a lack of depth...i would put it somewhere in the cd 5i - cd5x region...
the nait improved over the next 2 days a tiny bit...it lost the slightly bouncy sound to my more liking natural presentation...one think i was missing was detail. the nait didn´t appear as a master of resolution to me. the show was placed between the speakers, on the other hand i am not that fan of open infinite stages

the next move was to attache the hicap to the nait...yes very nice indeed...absoultely to my liking....i think it has been described many times , what it does...for me, the supernait needed to be definitely connected to the hicap... everything improves...
now it was time to make a short comparison between the internal dac and the lavry. both feeded from the same source and cable. i was really hoping the internal dac would make it. i simply love the idea to have everything gathered in one black nice looking box....but to make it clear , it was a short game...the lavry is simply in a different league. the musik is breathing it has got depth, detail on and on...everything , i know from the s - naim cd class...
now to the supernait ,tt, superline combo... the superline is warming slowely up...it still improves ( now 5 days ) from day to day. so i make it very short. a really special and fantastic half box . it has convinced me straight away...and i am looking forward to hear the final results after the total burn in. i have experienced with some of my naim pieces ( especially cds2 after a long long period ), that there is always a point , where they get transformed and it´s gets magic

..i expect the same from the superline.
so the whole naim tt combo made me sit down in the sofa and listen for some hours without comparing anmore...i saw already just some green lights shining out of the fraim, but it was on time to pack the supernait back in the box and let the phonosophie step back on it´s place. the rewiring took a bit of time and ask me , yes i hate naca 5
it was very interesting to see how it would feel after the nait stepped back and the phonosophie ( active ) took over. well , the detail, stage and control came back. when i bought it, the dealer placed it around the 52 with an 180. it certainly has the resolution and the control, but it hasn´t the magic, which i remember from the 52 so well...and somehow this just don´t disappear from your mind...we will see , how the story continues, but for now it is time to sit back in the sofa and have a lot of fun with MUSIC