Steinar O skrev:
nilsen64 skrev:
Steinar O skrev:
Med tanke på en fremtidig nedgradering igjen
Steinar O; går det ann og spørre om hvorfor du vil nedgrader igjen?
Livet består av så mye annet og når man fokuserer annerledes og på andre mer viktige saker, blir det veldig tydelig at en har etpar hundre tusen stående i kjelleren i form at et musikkanlegg.
Det er den beste forklaringen jeg kan gi. Ingen finanskrise eller noe sånt
when i decided to downgrade ( downsize

...), it had some reason. first it was the money....i spend a lot of money to come to the top of olive heaven...but got a bit shocked, how much it was... though everything was bought used, which i like actually... then the double fraim took quite much attention in my room, which i didn´t like so much . my living situation brought me to downsize 1, 5 years ago ( at this time i had cds2/52/250 into sbl on double fraim ) first i acquired a cdi and replaced my was obvious change, but i could live with followed my ibl mk1, which replaced my sbl...the sbl needed always to be placed 15 cm from the wall...the ibl was shocking small looking and had a different but not necessary worse showed more resolution and wider stage. was faster ( especially in the base ) but didn´t had the weight of an sbl i decided to add a sub, which function very well until now... ( it is a rel quake )...i still would prefer this combo in my room ( !!! )...i had a sehring 702 se, allea and sbl before....
then the large move came...i got an offer to sell the whole reference system and got a fresh recapped nait 2 ( olive ) there i was...with a lot of money in my pocked and a cdi and nait 2 and ibl...on one much music for such a small amount of money...but to make it short : the whole set now stands in germany with a friend , which is very happy with it... sounds unbelievable for 1800 euro...
my ibl mk 1 in black got replaced by an in walnut mk2 version ( yes you can definitely hear the improvement )...200 euro more, so it was ok really...the downsize got an against weight in buying the turntable, which brought something really magical into the small music followed and made me listen more and more ( when i had the reference set up i was often listening to the money i spend on the set )...don´t get me wrong...this set was just fantastic... but at this time just a bit to expensive for me...i couldn´t really justify the money i spend ...i found myself listening to sonic mismatch more then music. the small combo with the turntable was like a healing for my situation
( sounds a bit psycho i know

and as live is ... the phonosophie entered the room... followed by some more upgrades and changes again... but now i can justify what i bought ( everyone need to find this out for himself i guess )... but the most important is, that my lp collection is growing and growing..
there is a small curse over the naimworld... it makes their owners really happy, but somehow always a bit nervous...and to be curious is not necessary the worst character in life...