Den artikkelen syns jeg handler mer om selv-sensur enn om pålagt knebling, så den er misvisende.
Den nye sjefen for NASA, utnevnt av Trump, har snudd 180 grader på klimaendringer og mener nå at disse er "i betydelig utstrekning menneskeskapte"; noen program for overvåking av klimaendringer er blitt kansellert, men andre fortsetter. De voksne i Pentagon har satt seg ned med de gærne onklene i administrasjonen og fortalt dem at dette er alvor og at de skal holde kjeft.
Her om den nye NASA-sjefen, som mange trodde ville gå inn med ljå. 180 grader:
Bridenstine laughed. So did many in the room. It was an uncomfortable question. Bridenstine, as a Republican in Congress, has a record of denying that humans are responsible for causing climate change. For Democrats and liberals, Bridenstine’s view on this and other issues—particularly on same-sex marriage and transgender rights—made him a contentious pick to lead nasa, an agency that supports climate-change research and very publicly agrees with the majority of climate scientists who say that humans are the primary cause of the planet’s rising temperatures.
“As far as my position on climate change and how it’s evolved, I’ll be very open,” Bridenstine replied. He described, as he has done multiple times before, his longstanding interest in funding weather-forecasting programs, particularly for tornadoes, which threaten people in Oklahoma, Bridenstine’s home state, each year. Then he got to what his critics wanted to hear.
“I don’t deny that consensus that the climate is changing,” he said. “In fact, I fully believe and know that the climate is changing. I also know that we humans beings are contributing to it in a major way. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. We’re putting it into the atmosphere in volumes that we haven’t seen, and that greenhouse gas is warming the planet. That is absolutely happening, and we are responsible for it.”