- Ble medlem
- 28.09.2016
- Innlegg
- 11.875
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- 12.120
Ja, men dette er jo et fritt markeds mål og funksjon. Kapitalisme som system fordrer jo kontinuerlig vekst, og kontinuerlig oppsamling av midler hos et fåtall. Bannons syn på sosialisme er i sannhet nokså infantil, på mange måter forsøker han her å skyve skylda over på det han kaller eller innbiller seg er sosialister, mens det i virkeligheten er beinharde kapitalister i fri dressur. Sosialismen forsøker å bedrive utjevning, dvs. det motsatte av den Bannon beskriver.Bannon intervjues av Haaretz.
“There is no capitalism for the rich in this country,” Bannon says. “We have socialism here. Socialism, for the very wealthy, and the very poor. And we have a brutal Darwinian form of capitalism for everybody else. That’s why Donald Trump is president.” The very poor receive welfare services from the state, while the very rich are bailed out from financial trouble by the same state. After Obama bailed out the financial system in 2008, saving it from collapse, the architects of the disaster paid no price, and got no punishment. Whose money was it that saved them? The taxpayer’s money. “The little guy pays,” Bannon says. Working people, many of whom lost their homes and savings, to cover for the mistakes of the rich. And those multitudes of working people – there was no one to bail them out. The globalist elite took care of itself. The result is that, “one percent of the country own 40 percent of the wealth. The concentration of wealth It’s not a conspiracy. It’s in your face for everybody to see.”
Problemet er selvsagt at mange tror på dette sludderet om sosialisme og globalisme, selv om det rent faktisk er det diametralt motsatte. Og det er fortsatt ingenting som tyder på at The Donald's rasering av de små sikkerhetsnett som tross alt finnes, vil gjøre verden bedre for de mange.