MasVis - User's guide
Saving the analysis results
Four types of results can be saved from MasVis:
1. The overview picture can be saved as a gif image.
2. The detailed analysis picture can be saves as a gif image.
3. An album can be saved to a single animated gif image. When the image is displayed in a web browser, it shifts automatically between the different analysis images.
4. A web page can be generated for all the tracks in the track list. This option is typically used for albums.
In any of the above cases the results have to be uploaded to a web server if the analyses should be made available to others. While single images may be sufficient for discussions on e.g. Internet fora, option number 4 is recommended. If complete analyses are made available and are linked to, search engines like Google will find it, and searching for MasVis analyses becomes possible. For example, entering "masvis donna summer" in Google will find MasVis analyses done on albums by Donna Summer.
It is a good idea to name the soundfiles so that the artist name, the album name and the track name can be seen in the graphs, especially if they are to be published on the web.
Here is an example of a
web page generated by MasVis.