Nettopp hjemvendt etter fem døgn i Edinburgh, der jeg bodde i Laphroaig-suiten på et hotell som meget sympatisk hadde oppkalt suitene sine etter kjente whiskymerker. Og et ytterligere sympatisk drag var at man fikk en courtesy tumbler med suitens whisky ved ankomst. Ble tatt meget godt i mot.
Fikk smaken for denne under oppholdet:
Og prøvesmakte denne.
Ble sterkt anbefalt som et røverkjøp i forhold til hva man fikk, og det må jeg nikke til. Ellers klarte jeg å kjøpe enda en flaske vintage Pride of Strathspey, så turen var absolutt vellykket.
(Det ble også lyttet til musikk under oppholdet -
Portico Quartet og Basquiat Strings anbefales hermed!
The Mercury Prize nominated Basquiat Strings, who blend Hungarian and jazz influences in their richly textured take on classical string groupings, play a exclusive Scottish date at Edinburgh's decadent Voodoo Rooms on Tuesday 19 February.
Fronted by cellist Ben Davis, The Basquiat Strings have added Richard Pryce's double bass and Seb Rochford's mesmeric drums to the classical string quartet. The result is stunning and driving music that is totally original. With Emma Smith and Vicky Fifield on violin and Jennymay Logan on viola, the group have scored a genre-busting hit with their debut album, Basquiat Strings.
Composer and founder Ben David finds inspiration from the raucous, driving Hungarian string groups of Transylvania, the luxuriously rich Brahms sextets and the unruly compositions and workshop arrangements of Charles Mingus.
Support will be from the Portico Quartet, whose debut CD,
Knee Deep In The North Sea, is making big waves in the jazz world.)