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    Rush Limbaughs ulike utsagn om juss-studenten Sandra Fluke:

    Here are the 53 smears by Rush Limbaugh.

    Feb. 29, 2012:

    1) “she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills”
    2) “they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills!”
    3) “essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.”
    4) “Sandra Fluke. So much sex going on, they can't afford birth control pills.”

    March 1, 2012:

    5) “You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute”
    6) “she's having so much sex”
    7) “are having so much sex that they’re going broke”
    8) “they want to have sex any time, as many times and as often as they want, with as many partners as they want”
    9) “the sexual habits of female law students at Georgetown”
    10) “are having so much sex that they’re going broke”
    11) “having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet”
    12) “four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet”
    13) “Now, what does that make her? She wants us to buy her sex.”
    14) “to pay for these co-eds to have sex”
    15) “she and her co-ed classmates are having sex nearly three times a day for three years straight, apparently these deadbeat boyfriends or random hookups that these babes are encountering here, having sex with nearly three times a day”
    16) “Therefore we are paying her to have sex. Therefore we are paying her for having sex.”
    17) “Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?”
    18) “Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. And I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”
    19) “we want something in return, Ms. Fluke: And that would be the videos of all this sex posted online so we can see what we are getting for our money.”
    20) “'If we're paying for this, it makes these women sluts, prostitutes.' And what else could it be?”
    21) “essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right?”
    22) “I'm having sex so damn much, I'm going broke.”
    23) “She's having so much sex that she's going broke! There's no question about her virtue.”
    24) “having so much sex she's going broke at Georgetown Law.”
    25) “Here's a woman exercising no self-control. The fact that she wants to have repeated, never-ending, as often as she wants it sex -- given.”
    26) “She's having so much sex it's amazing she can still walk, but she made it up there.”
    27) “Maybe they're sex addicts.”
    28) “to pay for her to have sex all the time.”
    29) “she wants the rest of us to pay for her sex.”
    30) “She wants all the sex that she wants all the time paid for by the rest of us.”
    31) “Here this babe goes before Congress and wants thousands of dollars to pay for her sex.”
    32) “a woman who is happily presenting herself as an immoral, baseless, no-purpose-to-her-life woman.”
    33) “She wants all the sex in the world, whenever she wants it, all the time.”
    34) “If this woman wants to have sex ten times a day for three years, fine and dandy.”
    35) “to provide women from Georgetown Law unlimited, no-consequences sex.”
    36) “so she can have unlimited, no-consequences sex.”
    37) “You want to have all the sex you want all day long, no consequences, no responsibility for your behavior”
    38) “The woman wants unlimited, no-responsibility, no-consequences sex, and she wants it with contraceptives paid for by us.”

    March 2, 2012:

    39) "she's having so much sex, she can't afford her birth control pills anymore.”
    40) “she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it -- and we should.”
    41) “She's having so much sex, she can't afford it.”
    42) “this, frankly hilarious claim that she's having so much sex (and her buddies with her) that she can't afford it.”
    43) “And not one person says, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'”
    44) “Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block.”
    45) "It was Sandra Fluke who said that she was having so much sex, she can't afford it.”
    46) “By her own admission, in her own words, Sandra Fluke is having so much sex that she can't afford it.”
    47) “they're having a lot of sex for which they need a lot of contraception.”
    48) “Her sex life is active and she's having sex so frequently that she can't afford all the birth control pills that she needs.”
    49) “who admits to having so much sex that she can't afford it anymore.”
    50) “she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it.”
    51) “As frequently as she has sex and to not be pregnant, she's obviously succeeding in contraception.”
    52) “Ms. Fluke, asserts her right to free contraceptive, to handle her sex life -- and it's, by her own admission, quite active.”
    53) "Ms. Fluke, who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade, or your contraception?"

    Fire av hans annonsører takket for seg, og han ble tvunget til å komme med en unnskyldning:

    På Dailykos har et medlem laget et passende kort for anledningen:



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    Money talks, loudly:

    Rush Limbaugh’s advertising exodus is deep into its second week, and despite the radio host’s claim that the impact of 50 companies pulling their business has been negligible, listeners in the nation’s largest media market were treated to over five minutes of radio silence where Limbaugh’s advertisers once stood today.


    Americans aren't in love with super PACs, the new independent groups transforming the 2012 presidential election.


    Nearly seven in 10 Americans say super PACs should be illegal, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

    The strong feelings toward these groups are bipartisan, the poll shows. Seventy percent of Democrats and 55% of Republicans want to outlaw super PACs, as do nearly eight in 10 independents.

    Mississippi and Alabama voters, who go to the polls today, have been watching ads defining the GOP presidential candidates that have been financed almost totally by super PACs.

    Bloomberg News reports 91% of the 5,592 campaign ads that aired on TV in these two Southern states in the past month have been paid for by super PACs, according to data from Kantar Media's Campaign Media Analysis Group.

    The CMAG data show the big advertiser in the two states is Restore Our Future, the super PAC behind Mitt Romney.

    Overall, the group has spent $37.8 million in the GOP race, followed by $16.3 million by Winning Our Future, the super PAC backing Newt Gingrich.


    Super PACs


    The 2010 election marked the rise of a new political committee, dubbed the "super PAC". They are officially known as "independent-expenditure only committees". Provided they are operated correctly, they can raise unlimited sums from individuals, corporations, unions and other groups.[14] The super PACs were made possible by two judicial decisions. First, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that government may not prohibit unions and corporations from making independent expenditure for political purposes. Second, in Speechnow.org v. FEC, the Federal Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that contributions to groups that only make independent expenditures could not be limited.[15]

    Super PACs are not allowed to coordinate directly with candidates or political parties since they are independent. However, many people held a view early in the 2012 campaign that a candidate may "talk to his associated super PAC via the media. And the super PAC can listen, like everybody else." Individuals making claims like this included: journalist Peter Grier; Rick Hasen, an attorney and contributor to the Election Law Journal who was described as being an election law expert;[16] and Trevor Potter, a former chairman of the United States Federal Election Commission who acted as a consulting attorney for TV satirists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.[17]

    Even absent a formal connection to a campaign, super PACs openly supported particular candidacies. Typically, they did so by financing negative ads costing tens of millions of dollars.[18] In February 2012 the New York Times described several super PACs that were run or advised by a candidate's former staff or associates.[19] Some PACs attracted large donations from a candidate's associates. For example, by January 2012, Romney's associates contributed nearly $5 million dollars for his 2008 and 2012 runs.[20] In 2011, one Super PAC supporting President Barack Obama raised $4.4 million.[21]



    Television advertisements in Alabama and Mississippi promoting rival Republican presidential contenders have been paid for almost entirely by independent political action committees instead of the candidates’ campaigns.

    So-called Super-PACs supplied 91 percent of the 5,592 campaign ads that aired on broadcast television stations in the two states in the past month, according to data from New York- based Kantar Media’s CMAG, which tracks advertising.




    Doonesbury er det verdt å følge. Denne uken har han tatt for seg ny lovgivning som påbyr at kvinner som vil ha abort må se et ultralydbilde av fosteret, samt ev. lytte til hjerteslag om det kan registreres, før de kan få det innvilget. Siden fosteret er meget lite må man stikke en sonde opp i kvinnens skjede, for å registrere det.

    State sponsored rape er det blitt kalt.

    Doonesburys stripe er så "kontroversiell" at flere aviser har nektet å kjøre denne ukens, mens enkelte har valgt å kjøre den på kronikksidene, og ikke blant tegneseriene. Det kontroversielle er vel at amerikanske staters lovgivere mener de har rett til å føyse rundt med ultralydsonder inne i skjedene til andres døtre, skulle man tro.

    Greit å få perspektivet til en engelsk avis, trur eg.




    Vanskelig å si hvor dette bør inn - her eller DillDall - men nettstedet PajamasMedia, som mange synes å like, har råd til kvinner som søker en mann i sitt liv. Disse rådene har de illustrert, og en av illustrasjonene er spesiell.

    7 Mistakes Women Make With Men

    Råd nummer 6, som man knapt tror illustrasjonen til, kommer før nummer 7, som er "Overanalyze."

    Det skulle de gjort. Og nei, Pajamas Media og Pajamas Institute er ikke perifere i USA:




    Obama som slaveskipkaptein.
    "The meta is strong in this one."



    Under to konserter nylig har Bruce Springsteen fremført "American Skin" igjen. Bakgrunnen er drapet i Florida på den 17 år gamle Trayvon Martin.

    Springsteen skrev sangen etter at fire politifolk i NY avfyrte førtién skudd inn i kroppen til den ubevæpnede Amadou Diallo, 4. februar 1999. Da han fremførte sangen i New York ble Springsteen utsatt for trusler og politiet oppfordret til boikott av ham. (Mer i linken over).

    Trayvon Martin var på besøk hos sin bror, i en "gated community" i Florida. Disse er avgrensede boligområder som gjerne har murer eller gjerder, og egne sikkerhetsstyrker.

    I den Martin var på besøk i befant George Zimmerman seg. Detaljene omkring hva som egentlig skjedde mellom de to har gradvis kommet frem.
    Se mer her: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Trayvon_Martin

    Nøkkelen her er to ting som nordmenn som reiser på ferie til USA bør kjenne til. To ting som gjør at man risikerer livet om man oppfører seg på helt selvfølgelig vis, etter norske øyne.

    Castle Doctrine
    Stand Your Ground Laws

    Castle Doctrine - betyr kort at man har rett til å beskytte egen eiendom med alle midler, om denne trues. "Slottet" følger eieren, om denne befinner seg i sin bil, på arbeidsplassen eller er hjemme, og ulike stater definerer "slottet" ulikt. Folk som bor i en delstat har satt seg inn i hva som gjelder der. Nordmenn på besøk i USA kan være uvitende om at de er i livsfare dersom de går opp til en husdør for å ringe på og be om hjelp med å finne veien videre.

    En del år tilbake var National Rifle Association og ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council - http://www.alec.org/) misfornøyde med Slottsdoktrinen, og ønsket å utvide folks rett til å forsvare sin ære, og ikke bare sin eiendom.

    Man anså det for uverdig å måtte vike grunn i en konflikt med en annen person, og dette var å få sin ære besmusset, og at man måtte kunne ta igjen med tilgjengelige virkemidler.

    Så Slottsdoktrinen ble utvidet med Stand Your Ground Laws, som ble innført i 26 delstater, etter at ALEC hadde utarbeidet lovforslag.

    Florida vedtok sin Stand Your Ground Law i 2007, og det var under henvisning til denne at George Zimmerman skjøt Trayvon Martin for deretter å kunne gå hjem til sin familie etter en kort samtale med politiet.

    Jeg anbefaler at man ved reise til USA sjekker hva ordlyden er på lovene for delstatene man skal innom:

    A stand-your-ground law states that a person may use deadly force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of a threat, without an obligation to retreat first. In some cases, a person may use deadly force in public areas without a duty to retreat. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the "stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit.

    I Kentucky skal man f.eks. være forsiktig med å rope til en innfødt at vedkommende skal "Get away from my car!" Det kan ende med skyting. Hvilket det også kan føre til i Utah og Texas. I disse tre statene krever man ikke at det skal være trussel mot ens liv eller risiko for "great bodily harm" før man kan trekke våpen og skyte den man anser for å være en trussel.
    Kentucky formulerer det slik - og her handler det om å verne om en persons ære:
    (3) A person does not have a duty to retreat if the person is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

    Kritikere av Stand Your Ground lovene kaller dem "Shoot First Laws."

    George Zimmerman påstod at Trayvon Martin truet ham, og at han fryktet for sitt liv, og at det var derfor han skjøt og drepte Trayvon Martin.
    Zimmerman var beryktet på det lokale politikammeret, en selvutnevnt vigilante som skulle beskytte nabolaget, og som likte å leke politimann. Han gikk alltid bevæpnet, og lette etter tilfeller der han kunne utføre "citizen's arrest" eller rapportere kriminelle til politiet. Han ringte jevnlig 911.

    Den kvelden i februar da han skjøt Trayvon Martin hadde han fått beskjed av 911-operatøren om at han ikke skulle forfølge Martin. Han gjorde det likevel.

    Etter skytingen er det mye som tyder på at det lokale politikammeret hjalp Zimmerman til å dikte opp truslene mot seg, slik at han kunne gå fri under Stand Your Ground loven. Nytt bevismateriale og vitneutsagn, og politiets egen CCTV, støtter ikke Zimmerman og politikammerets forklaring.

    Det har vært store protester i USA mot at Zimmerman ikke har vært arrestert, og dette er i ferd med å bygge seg opp til en utrolig sak, der konservative krefter har brukt mye energi på å forsøke å overbevise media om at det var Trayvon Martin som utgjorde den store trusselen, og at Zimmerman forsvarte seg selv.

    Zimmermans far har fortalt at hans sønn ble overfalt av Martin, at sønnen ble slått i ansiktet flere ganger, fikk bakhodet dunket mot bakken gjentatte ganger og at Martin kom med dødstrusler mot Zimmerman. Totalt skal Martin ha slått Zimmerman i over ett minutt, før sønnen skjøt Martin.

    Her om dagen ble politikammerets CCTV-opptak av Zimmerman sluppet. I flere uker har USA blitt fortalt at "hele historien er ikke fortalt, og at det var Martin som truet Zimmermans liv."
    Etter at video-opptakene ble offentliggjort fikk Springsteen lyst til å synge "American Skin" igjen.



    Men om man nå har tenkt seg til Florida, og føler behov for å kunne forsvare seg, kan man vha nettet søke om å få bæretillatelse for et skjult våpen før innreise. En tillatelse som også gis til folk som ikke er fast bosatt i delstaten.
    Enkelte andre delstater aksepterer at Floridas tillatelse også gjelder i disse.



    USA, verdens mest ufrie land. Hvert 4. menneske som er fengslet i hele verden er en amerikaner!


    The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world at 760 people per 100,000. Between 1999-2010 the use of private prisons increased by 40 percent at the state level and by 784 percent in the federal prison system. This rapid expansion of the private prison industry is the subject of much debate in the US, and has been termed the "Prison-Industrial Complex."





    Gjestemedlem skrev:
    USA, verdens mest ufrie land. Hvert 4. menneske som er fengslet i hele verden er en amerikaner!
    Antallet insatte i amerikanske fengsler har gått til himmels fra ca 1980 - fra under 500.000 til over 2 millioner nå.


    Vi må ha litt underholdning.
    En lege skriver til sin lokalavis, og avslører et verdensbilde som enkelte kanskje syns er litt "amped on meth."

    Med dette avrunder jeg mine Off-Topic bidrag, og mine innlegg i American Revolution. At noen kan ha noen av de skrudde oppfatningene i brevet under er en mulighet, at noen kan ha samtlige virker usannsynlig. At noen som har tatt utdannelse som og praktiserer som lege har dem er grunn til undring, og at vedkommende i tillegg skriver godt engelsk med korrekt tegnsetting tyder på formuleringsevner og presisjon som tyder på en viss tankevirksomhet.

    Men herr Goswitz har tullet seg inn i sin helt egne forestillingsverden, og må være slitsom å lytte til fra man møter ham i venterommet til man endelig kommer seg ut av hans praksis. At han finnes og kan skrive slikt tar jeg som tegn på at han (1) ikke er alene om å være så skrudd i hodet, og (2) at det blir et helvetes valg til høsten.
    Jeg har valgt en illustrasjon nederst.

    Letter: Obama does not deserve to serve four more years | Herald Times Reporter | htrnews.com
    Letter: Obama does not deserve to serve four more years

    Games of sport are not won by excuses. Champions win even on off days. Barack Hussein Obama is not a champion and uses a hurricane spin of excuses to cover his failures.On domestic policies, Obama's $16 trillion debt and high unemployment are the fault of George W. Bush. Exorbitant gas prices, inflation, energy indecision and class warfare result from gouging by rich oil companies and millionaires who refuse to share their wealth. In regard to Obamacare, the real objective is total government control of one-sixth of the U.S. economy. He excuses it as the only way to improve health care. Here is what it will do: raise everyone's taxes, reorganize all insurance availability, restrict access to doctors, saddle states with enormous Medicaid bills, and intrude on the state's right to safeguard health care.
    Additionally, the stimulus bill of 2009 provided funds for individual electronic health records to be made available to the Washington bureaucrats. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), a 15 member non-elected group, will have authority to ration care and determine payments.
    Obama's foreign policy, under the disguise of "Arab Spring" and a desire for democracy, has allowed Egypt, Libya, and soon Syria to be controlled by the Muslim brotherhood. He has used as an excuse the sanctions of the U.N. to allow Iran and North Korea to proceed with atomic weapon development and long-range missiles. The ultimate target is the destruction of Israel. Obama will seek sanctions and talks with the U.N. as an excuse to allow a Muslim attack on Israel.
    Obama's contempt for the Constitution and the forgeries of his birth certificate and Selective Service Card still call in question his identity. He ignores court subpoenas, and his academic record from Occidental College lists him as a foreign student. His excuse "I was born in Hawaii."
    This dismal executive who has been such a failure still promotes the excuse: give me four more years!
    John T. Goswitz

    Republikanere og Demokrater i USA burde se fordelene ved å kjøre i samme retning.

    Tom Tomorrow kjører rerun på en vitsetegning han laget til forrige valg, justert for kandidatene nå.

    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi freak
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    "Med dette avrunder jeg mine Off-Topic bidrag, og mine innlegg i American Revolution"

    Tar du en "sluket" du også? Hvorfor det da? Tro det eller ei, men jeg kommer til å savne innleggene dine.


    After reporting this week on a Pentagon-created plan for interning activists at re-education camps, questions were asked about the US Army manual that allegedly outlines the resettling of US citizens. Can Americans be sent to propaganda prisons?

    Now as more and more news organizations are investigating the recently unearthed military manual, FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, verification is coming in that the callous plans to populate military camps in the US and abroad are not only authentic, but indeed establishes blueprints for putting the country’s own citizens into guarded Army detainment centers.

    Army manual for re-education camps applies to US citizens — RT


    Hi-Fi freak
    Ble medlem
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    "Med dette avrunder jeg mine Off-Topic bidrag, og mine innlegg i American Revolution"

    Tar du en "sluket" du også? Hvorfor det da? Tro det eller ei, men jeg kommer til å savne innleggene dine.
    Ja hvorfor?
    Dette temaet må vel være godt for minst 50 sider til?


    Reauthorizing the indefinite detention of US citizens without charge might be the scariest provision in next year’s defense spending bill, but it certainly isn’t the only one worth worrying about.

    NDAA 2013: Congress approves domestic deceptive propaganda — RT

    An amendment tagged on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 would allow for the United States government to create and distribute pro-American propaganda within the country’s own borders under the alleged purpose of putting al-Qaeda’s attempts at persuading the world against Western ideals on ice. Former US representatives went out of there way to ensure their citizens that they’d be excluded from government-created media blasts, but two lawmakers currently serving the country are looking to change all that.

    Congressmen Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and Adam Smith (D-WA) introduced “The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012” (H.R. 5736) last week during discussions for the NDAA 2013. It was voted on by the US House of Representatives to be included in next year’s defense spending bill, which was then voted on as a whole and approved. The amendment updates the antiquated Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, essentially clarifying that the US State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors may “prepare, disseminate and use public diplomacy information abroad,” but while also striking down a long-lasting ban on the domestic dissemination in America. For the last several decades, the federal government has been authorized to use such tactics overseas to influence foreign support of America’s wars abroad, but has been barred from such strategies within the US. If next year’s NDAA clears the US Senate and is signed by President Obama with the Thornberry-Smith provision intact, then restrictions on propaganda being force-fed to Americans would be rolled back entirety.

    Both Congressmen Thornberry and Smith say that the amendment isn’t being pushed to allow for the domestic distribution of propaganda, but the actual text of the provision outlines that, if approved by the Senate and signed by President Barack Obama, that very well could be the case.

    “We continue to face a multitude of threats and we need to be able to counter them in a multitude of ways.Communication is among the most important,” Rep. Thornberry explains in his initial press release on the bill.“This outdated law ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible and transparent way. Congress has a responsibility to fix the situation.”

    On his part, Rep. Smith says that al-Qaeda is infiltrating the Internet in order to drive anti-American sentiments ablaze. If the amendment he co-sponsors is passed, the US government would be able to fight fire with fire.

    “While the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was developed to counter communism during the Cold War, it is outdated for the conflicts of today,” Rep. Smith says in his official statement. “Effective strategic communication and public diplomacy should be front-and-center as we work to roll back al-Qaeda’s and other violent extremists’ influence among disaffected populations.An essential part of our efforts must be a coordinated, comprehensive, adequately resourced plan to counter their radical messages and undermine their recruitment abilities. To do this, Smith-Mundt must be updated to bolster our strategic communications and public diplomacy capacity on all fronts and mediums – especially online.”

    Does that mean that the anti-Nazi and damning communism adverts that were a hallmark of America during the Second World War and the Cold War, respectively, will be updated to outrage Americans against the country’s alleged enemies? It isn’t ruled out, for sure. Both Congressmen Thornberry and Smith have tried to dull the American public’s quickly surmounting outrage by saying that the act won’t be used for brainwashing purposes, but by letting Uncle Sam’s propaganda-spewing communication machine have free roam on the Web and elsewhere, it would absolutely be allowed.

    “Clearly there are ways to modernize for the information age without wiping out the distinction between domestic and foreign audiences,” Michael Shank of the Institute for Economics and Peace in Washington tells Buzzfeed, who broke the news of the amendment. "That Reps Adam Smith and Mac Thornberry want to roll back protections put in place by previously-serving Senators – who, in their wisdom, ensured limits to taxpayer–funded propaganda promulgated by the US government – is disconcerting and dangerous."

    Responding to the quickly escalating backlash, Rep. Smith attacked allegations that he is encouraging pro-American propaganda on US soil. “This amendment is intended to ensure that the US government can get factual information out in a timely manner to counter extremist misinformation and propaganda,” he writes in a follow-up statement. “It does not and is not in any way intended to ‘legalize the use of propaganda on American audiences’ and, in fact, specifically ensures that the content to be rebroadcast or republished domestically by the Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) shall not influence public opinion in the US. It clearly states, no funds authorized to be appropriated to State Department or BBG for any activity shall be used to influence public opinion.”

    Regardless of his or Mr. Thornberry’s intentions, the text of the legislation speaks for itself.

    Rep. Smith contributed to this year’s NDAA with another provision, submitted with co-author Congressman Justin Amash (R-Michigan). With that amendment, the two lawmakers proposed that the US military be stripped of their power to indefinitely detain US citizens without charge, a right granted to them under last year’s defense spending bill. Unlike the amendment Rep. Smith introduced with Thornberry, the House shot down that proposal.


    Idiotkratiet er vel den største trusselen ...

    En pastor i USA har foreslått at alle homoseksuelle burde stenges inne i konsentrasjonsleirer og sultes til døde - det foreslo han fra prekestolen. En fra kirkelyden forklarer bakgrunnen på CNN.



    Det kan synes som om kong Knut den store er blitt gjenfødt i North Carolina. En rekke delstatsrepresentanter som er innvalgt fra kystkommuner har innført lovgivning som forbyr ekstrapolering av havnivå utfra annet enn historiske data. Man får med andre ord ikke lov, under trussel om straff, til å gjøre antakelser om stigende havnivåer som tar utgangspunkt i fremtidig økning av temperaturer. Det er kun tillatt å projisere lineært utfra eksisterende og avgrensede empiriske data.

    Årsaken? Disse kystkommunene har ulike utbyggingsprosjekter på beddingen, og disse vil ikke kunne gjennomføres dersom de sannsynlige havnivåstigningene inntreffer, man vil da være i strid med gjeldende byggeforskrifter.

    Kun i USA.

    Scientific American klarer ikke å dy seg, og skriver "North Carolina considers making sea level rise illegal."
    NC Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

    Skjermbilde 2012-06-05 kl. 12.00.51.jpg


    Ble medlem
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    Torget vurderinger
    Magisk..... trist i grunn
    Idiotkratiet er vel den største trusselen ...

    En pastor i USA har foreslått at alle homoseksuelle burde stenges inne i konsentrasjonsleirer og sultes til døde - det foreslo han fra prekestolen. En fra kirkelyden forklarer bakgrunnen på CNN.



    ^ jeezzzuuus.... (til vredens innlegg)
    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi entusiast
    Ble medlem
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    Det er tragisk å se en nasjon som USA, med de ressurser og muligheter som finnes der, oppvise den ene blunderen etter den andre i alle slags situasjoner, det være seg økonomiske, vitenskapelige og rent mellommenneskelige forhold. Og det skumle er at Norge, i flere sammenhenger oppviser tendenser i samme retning, med den forskjell at manglende kunnskap parret med dumskap hos amerikaneren erstattes av misforstått snillisme her til lands.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    "med den forskjell at manglende kunnskap parret med dumskap hos amerikaneren erstattes av misforstått snillisme her til lands"

    Ja manglende kunnskap parret med dumskap eksisterer ikke i Norge.................


    ^ jeezzzuuus.... (til vredens innlegg)
    Ja, man må virkelig stusse. Danskenes kong Knut den store er kjent som Canute i engelsktalende land, og er mest kjent fordi han befalte tidevannet å stanse. Hans etterkommere lever i North Carolina, tydeligvis.



    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    "med den forskjell at manglende kunnskap parret med dumskap hos amerikaneren erstattes av misforstått snillisme her til lands"

    Ja manglende kunnskap parret med dumskap eksisterer ikke i Norge.................
    Mer enn nok av det også, pluss en god del kverulering.


    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Ja, man må virkelig stusse. Danskenes kong Knut den store er kjent som Canute i engelsktalende land, og er mest kjent fordi han befalte tidevannet å stanse. Hans etterkommere lever i North Carolina, tydeligvis.

    Vis vedlegget 139927
    Men danskene kan man jo forstå, med sin noe utsatte geografi jfr. havets plassering. Mangler ikke på eiendommer til salgs ved Strandveien for tiden!


    Det er valg i USA.

    Mitt Romney forsøker desperat å skjule sine skatteligninger. Mormonerbiskopen ble fra tidlig alder utpekt til "high-office" av sine kirkeledere, og har gått gjennom livet omgitt av mennesker som aldri sa ham i mot. Det har gjort ham spesielt uegnet til å motta kritikk, og har ført til de laveste oppslutningstallene for noen presidentkandidat.

    Han valgte Paul Ryan som visepresident, en mann Krugman ikke nøler med å kalle dypt uærlig og løgnaktig, og hvis alternative budsjett til Obamas er en vits.

    Akkurat nå sliter GOP med senatskandidat Akin fra Missouri, som mener at kvinner har en biologisk mekanisme som hindrer dem fra å bli gravide dersom de mislikte å bli voldtatt. Sammen med Ryan har Akin foreslått og fått gjennomført seks lovforslag i Representantenes hus som begrenser kvinners adgang til abort. Etter at Akin luftet sin innsikt i biologi har det nasjonale GOP besluttet å ikke støtte hans senatsvalg. Ikke fordi man nødvendigvis er uenig med Akin, hans syn har vært gjengs påstand hos reaksjonære republikanske abortmotstandere, som mener at kvinner finner smutthull i abortlover ved å påstå de er blitt voldtatt.

    USAs GOP er nå blitt et så sinnsykt parti at den beste kommentaren på hva Akin presterte å ytre i intervjuet som fikk USAs kvinner i harnisk kommer fra The Onion.

    I Misspoke—What I Meant To Say Is 'I Am Dumb As Dog Shit And I Am A Terrible Human Being' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
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    Vanskelig å være uenig at GOP er blitt et sinnsykt parti.

    Fra nytimes leder i dag

    "As several recent Republican primaries demonstrated, the party continues to nominate Tea Party candidates who create increasingly ludicrous definitions of “far right.” Ted Cruz, who won the Senate primary in Texas and is all but certain to be elected, favors the closure of the Departments of Energy, Commerce and Education, along with the Transportation Security Administration and, naturally, the I.R.S. He says he is very worried that the United Nations is trying to ban golf courses and paved roads."


    Forunderlig hvordan det amerikanske GOP ivrer etter å sette kvinnesaken tilbake ca. 100 år, man skulle tro de regner med at kvinner ikke går til stemmeboksene?

    Skjermbilde 2012-08-21 kl. 11.14.46.jpg
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