Rush Limbaughs ulike utsagn om juss-studenten Sandra Fluke:
Here are the 53 smears by Rush Limbaugh.
Feb. 29, 2012:
1) she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills
2) they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills!
3) essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.
4) Sandra Fluke. So much sex going on, they can't afford birth control pills.
March 1, 2012:
5) You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute
6) she's having so much sex
7) are having so much sex that theyre going broke
8) they want to have sex any time, as many times and as often as they want, with as many partners as they want
9) the sexual habits of female law students at Georgetown
10) are having so much sex that theyre going broke
11) having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet
12) four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet
13) Now, what does that make her? She wants us to buy her sex.
14) to pay for these co-eds to have sex
15) she and her co-ed classmates are having sex nearly three times a day for three years straight, apparently these deadbeat boyfriends or random hookups that these babes are encountering here, having sex with nearly three times a day
16) Therefore we are paying her to have sex. Therefore we are paying her for having sex.
17) Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?
18) Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. And I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.
19) we want something in return, Ms. Fluke: And that would be the videos of all this sex posted online so we can see what we are getting for our money.
20) 'If we're paying for this, it makes these women sluts, prostitutes.' And what else could it be?
21) essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right?
22) I'm having sex so damn much, I'm going broke.
23) She's having so much sex that she's going broke! There's no question about her virtue.
24) having so much sex she's going broke at Georgetown Law.
25) Here's a woman exercising no self-control. The fact that she wants to have repeated, never-ending, as often as she wants it sex -- given.
26) She's having so much sex it's amazing she can still walk, but she made it up there.
27) Maybe they're sex addicts.
28) to pay for her to have sex all the time.
29) she wants the rest of us to pay for her sex.
30) She wants all the sex that she wants all the time paid for by the rest of us.
31) Here this babe goes before Congress and wants thousands of dollars to pay for her sex.
32) a woman who is happily presenting herself as an immoral, baseless, no-purpose-to-her-life woman.
33) She wants all the sex in the world, whenever she wants it, all the time.
34) If this woman wants to have sex ten times a day for three years, fine and dandy.
35) to provide women from Georgetown Law unlimited, no-consequences sex.
36) so she can have unlimited, no-consequences sex.
37) You want to have all the sex you want all day long, no consequences, no responsibility for your behavior
38) The woman wants unlimited, no-responsibility, no-consequences sex, and she wants it with contraceptives paid for by us.
March 2, 2012:
39) "she's having so much sex, she can't afford her birth control pills anymore.
40) she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it -- and we should.
41) She's having so much sex, she can't afford it.
42) this, frankly hilarious claim that she's having so much sex (and her buddies with her) that she can't afford it.
43) And not one person says, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'
44) Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block.
45) "It was Sandra Fluke who said that she was having so much sex, she can't afford it.
46) By her own admission, in her own words, Sandra Fluke is having so much sex that she can't afford it.
47) they're having a lot of sex for which they need a lot of contraception.
48) Her sex life is active and she's having sex so frequently that she can't afford all the birth control pills that she needs.
49) who admits to having so much sex that she can't afford it anymore.
50) she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it.
51) As frequently as she has sex and to not be pregnant, she's obviously succeeding in contraception.
52) Ms. Fluke, asserts her right to free contraceptive, to handle her sex life -- and it's, by her own admission, quite active.
53) "Ms. Fluke, who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade, or your contraception?"
Fire av hans annonsører takket for seg, og han ble tvunget til å komme med en unnskyldning:
På Dailykos har et medlem laget et passende kort for anledningen:
Here are the 53 smears by Rush Limbaugh.
Feb. 29, 2012:
1) she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills
2) they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills!
3) essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.
4) Sandra Fluke. So much sex going on, they can't afford birth control pills.
March 1, 2012:
5) You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute
6) she's having so much sex
7) are having so much sex that theyre going broke
8) they want to have sex any time, as many times and as often as they want, with as many partners as they want
9) the sexual habits of female law students at Georgetown
10) are having so much sex that theyre going broke
11) having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet
12) four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet
13) Now, what does that make her? She wants us to buy her sex.
14) to pay for these co-eds to have sex
15) she and her co-ed classmates are having sex nearly three times a day for three years straight, apparently these deadbeat boyfriends or random hookups that these babes are encountering here, having sex with nearly three times a day
16) Therefore we are paying her to have sex. Therefore we are paying her for having sex.
17) Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?
18) Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. And I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.
19) we want something in return, Ms. Fluke: And that would be the videos of all this sex posted online so we can see what we are getting for our money.
20) 'If we're paying for this, it makes these women sluts, prostitutes.' And what else could it be?
21) essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right?
22) I'm having sex so damn much, I'm going broke.
23) She's having so much sex that she's going broke! There's no question about her virtue.
24) having so much sex she's going broke at Georgetown Law.
25) Here's a woman exercising no self-control. The fact that she wants to have repeated, never-ending, as often as she wants it sex -- given.
26) She's having so much sex it's amazing she can still walk, but she made it up there.
27) Maybe they're sex addicts.
28) to pay for her to have sex all the time.
29) she wants the rest of us to pay for her sex.
30) She wants all the sex that she wants all the time paid for by the rest of us.
31) Here this babe goes before Congress and wants thousands of dollars to pay for her sex.
32) a woman who is happily presenting herself as an immoral, baseless, no-purpose-to-her-life woman.
33) She wants all the sex in the world, whenever she wants it, all the time.
34) If this woman wants to have sex ten times a day for three years, fine and dandy.
35) to provide women from Georgetown Law unlimited, no-consequences sex.
36) so she can have unlimited, no-consequences sex.
37) You want to have all the sex you want all day long, no consequences, no responsibility for your behavior
38) The woman wants unlimited, no-responsibility, no-consequences sex, and she wants it with contraceptives paid for by us.
March 2, 2012:
39) "she's having so much sex, she can't afford her birth control pills anymore.
40) she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it -- and we should.
41) She's having so much sex, she can't afford it.
42) this, frankly hilarious claim that she's having so much sex (and her buddies with her) that she can't afford it.
43) And not one person says, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'
44) Does she have more boyfriends? Ha! They're lined up around the block.
45) "It was Sandra Fluke who said that she was having so much sex, she can't afford it.
46) By her own admission, in her own words, Sandra Fluke is having so much sex that she can't afford it.
47) they're having a lot of sex for which they need a lot of contraception.
48) Her sex life is active and she's having sex so frequently that she can't afford all the birth control pills that she needs.
49) who admits to having so much sex that she can't afford it anymore.
50) she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it.
51) As frequently as she has sex and to not be pregnant, she's obviously succeeding in contraception.
52) Ms. Fluke, asserts her right to free contraceptive, to handle her sex life -- and it's, by her own admission, quite active.
53) "Ms. Fluke, who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade, or your contraception?"
Fire av hans annonsører takket for seg, og han ble tvunget til å komme med en unnskyldning:
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