- Ble medlem
- 13.01.2015
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Bra att du har kommit in på mitt yrkesområde, mikrovågsmätningar.Bateman sier selv om dette:
Cable Reflections.
At much lower frequencies reflections do still occur with mismatched terminations, but produce less dramatic impedance changes. Reflections at 10kHz using the Supra cable driving the ESP_replica load are easily measured using a reflection bridge, the basic tool of all RF measurements. The figure shows some 40% of the incident signal has been reflected, equivalent to a VSWR of 2.2:1 and returned out of phase to the source. For this measurement I used my 50W HP8721A reflection bridges.
Og noe mer jeg fant om saken:
An interesting and often underemphasized fact is that the amount of reflection is independent of frequency and occurs at all frequencies when the materials have an approximately constant permittivity over the frequency range. This seems contrary to the common belief that reflectionsare a high frequency phenomena. It is not that reflections do not happen at low frequencies.Reflections are just not typically noticed at low frequency.
In Summary
- A signal traveling along a transmission line has voltage and current wavesrelated by the characteristic impedance of the line.
- Signal reflections occur at impedance boundaries
- As it travels down the line, a signal has delay associated with itThese three rules combine to produce transmission line effects.
Kilde: http://ieeeb.okstate.edu/lecturenotes/EET-4654 Microwaves/Lecture 13 The Transmission Line.pdf
Vet du vad hedde? Bateman ljuger också, och inte lite heller.
HP8721A är en riktkopplare för 100kHz till 110 MHz och enbart för 50 Ohm (inte 50W, rent nonsens).
Keysight / Agilent / HP 8721A Directional Bridge
Det är väl dags för lite källkritik på "bevisen" du släpar in här.
Jag har mängder med riktkopplare, cirkulatorer och även spektrumanalysator i mitt labb.
Har inte ett dugg med audio att göra och jag hittar inte på mätresultat med hjälp av dom heller.
Hittar på gör däremot Bateman.
"the basic tool of all RF measurements" - ja men absolut inte audio-mätningar.
edit - tangentbordet stavade fel