Voff skrev:
Dr Dong skrev:
Noen som har hatt mulighet til å rippe et spor fra den originale CD-utgivelsen (-96 utgaven) og sende meg på en eller annen måten (ta kontakt på PM).
96-utgaven er ikke en original men den første remaster av tullkatalogen. Første CD utgivelse av Aqualung er fra tidlig 80-tall...
96-utgaven er 25th anniversary remaster....
Takker for korreksjonen.
Var litt forvirret her, men er på rett vei nå.
Ville bare legge inn denne fra Steve H. vedr. utgivelsen på DCC (CD og vinyl)
«The deal with Aqualung is this:
Great album, average recording.
What I tried to do, was to give you the true sound of the master tapes with a bit of "Steve enhancemnt" thrown in for a more "Breath Of Life" sound.
Now, I can't go back in time and tell the mixer of "Aqualung" to turn the bass guitar track up, but I would never EQ in a bunch of floppy rumble down there just to get some extra boom. I mean, *****, it took me years just to get the real tapes from Ian's house.
MFSL used the American EQ copy (production master) to cut from. This version already was compressed compared to the master tape, and some primitive EQ added in. Now, it is a know fact that MOST (but not all) music fans LIKE compression. They respond well to it. It makes stuff louder and more "exciting". And of course, adding the MFSL "smile curve" helps, too. Just adds that oomph that doesn't exist in real life. Same reason most folks love new "remasters". Louder is everything...Sigh.
For me, using all of the tone changing stuff that was added to the EQ dub, and then adding all of the MoFi EQ on top of it, with some wacky half speed mastering on top of it....Well, I just didn't want to distort the original sound of the hard-fought master tapes that way.
I like the way the DCC version sounds. It has natural vocals, and a tonality that is missing from ALL other versions.
The problem with Rock 'em - Sock 'em bass, is that it is like having a subwoofer turned on all of the time. After it's all over, you have a headache. Folks can dial in some thump down there if they want. The important thing, is that they can dial it OUT again when they grow weary of that sound!
One other little point:
People who listen to LP's (I'm one of them), have a really tough time describing what they are hearing, tone wise, because no one else's LP playback system will match theirs. MC Carts have their own wacky sound, as do phono preamps: How RIAA accurate are they? And the interconntects, etc. Are they tailoring the sound? Hard to say what is accurate, when the LP playback system isn't.
The best way (if you care), to tell if your LP playback is "in the ballpark" tone wise, is to compare your DCC CD of "Aqualung" with the DCC LP of "Aqualung". After adjusting for the LEVEL difference, Do A sync-up and A/B them. The tone of the music should be darn close; they were when we cut them. If the sound is too far off from the CD to LP, then something is out of whack, probably with the phono gear.
![Smile :) :)]()
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